View Full Version : GTA: San Andreas for Xbox

01-20-2005, 10:28 AM
Yup, you read it alright. June 7th, GTA: San Andreas is gonna' be released for Xbox and PC.

Quote from Planet GTA:<TABLE id=potdtoday cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD id=potd>

<!-- /Pic of the Day --> (http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/potd/index.asp?id=483127)

</TD><TD id=today>
<TABLE id=potdtoday cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD id=potd>

<!-- /Pic of the Day --> (http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/potd/index.asp?id=483127)</TD><TD id=today>The Latest
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is making its way to the XBOX and the PC in North America on June 7th, 2005 and in Europe on June 10th, 2005. As far as changes and enhances, we have no info. All we know are the dates.


While all us Xbox owners are waiting for MGS3, the PS2 owners are waiting for Halo 2.
Like that'll happen. :p


01-20-2005, 10:31 AM
There goes the uniqueness of PS2 ...

01-20-2005, 10:34 AM
please, that uniqueness was gone after vice city went to xbox, you all should have noticed it then

01-20-2005, 10:43 AM
Nah. The uniqueness of PS2 left once Xbox was released.

01-20-2005, 10:45 AM
lol, The ps2 never had any Uniqueness.

01-20-2005, 10:56 AM
wow d00d now my ps2 is pruely my dvD player because i dont feel like paying to get the dvd thing for tha XboX

01-20-2005, 11:00 AM
I don't feel like paying $150.00 for a DVD player that says "Playstation 2" on it.

01-20-2005, 02:29 PM
I think the unqiues is Final Fantasy on Ps2 and mg3 is tight.

01-21-2005, 06:51 AM
lol the dvd thing...i go that for free haha, its one of the best dvd players "I" own which really is the only one i have, the major uniqueness of xbox is definetly the ability to store music on it

01-21-2005, 01:51 PM
lol the dvd thing...i go that for free haha, its one of the best dvd players "I" own which really is the only one i have, the major uniqueness of xbox is definetly the ability to store music on it
Ya i have to give that to xbox even though i like ps2 better.And you dont have to play a fee to play ps2 online.

01-21-2005, 01:58 PM
If you care that much about paying like, approximately $5.00 a month. Get Xbox connect, it's basically PS2 Online, and free. :D

01-21-2005, 02:02 PM
I've tried Xbox Connect, but I only found it good for playing Halo 2. Not many people on there like to play other games. It's a great program though.

01-21-2005, 02:38 PM
*ring ring* Hey, it's last year, and he wants his story back.

01-22-2005, 08:34 AM
Sorry bud.
I don't know what your talking about. lol

01-22-2005, 10:00 AM
neither do i i think that was just spam...

01-22-2005, 10:33 AM
*ring ring* Hey, it's last year, and he wants his story back.*ring ring* try to keep your spam off this thread.