View Full Version : how to make a CLAN

12-03-2005, 02:09 PM
I was hoping that this could be a collection of ideas and ways to make a clan. i have wondered where to get sum of those BotPrograms, and how much bandwith it takes to run em` if any1 knows, feel free to post it here, links are welcome, and ANY advice whould be grately accepted, No BS! either, im not THAT nieve...

12-03-2005, 02:24 PM
A website would be a good start. Get a free one fast just to get info to your members and if your serious about it buy a domain and some type of forum going service. If you don't get one soon, people will leave because they're confused. Try to get a good amount of items so people will look up to you.

Try to act as a leader and not fooling around people will want to follow you. If your wealthy in items then they will want to gain your trust, and if your clan seems like it will be strong, people will want to rise your ranks and stay in your clan.

Bots would be good, Trivia bots are a very attractive addition to a clan server.

12-03-2005, 03:14 PM
yea like clan DIIS im part of that

12-04-2005, 10:48 AM
ok - Thats seems good, As far as a website - im really porr, so Buying stuff its probly bad, but a free web (like xanga or anglefire) - do u think those r good?

12-04-2005, 11:40 AM
www. c j b . net

My friend started a clan and used this, it worked pretty well.

12-04-2005, 01:45 PM
I prefer ****** as a free site. Then use cjb.net to shorten it.

12-04-2005, 01:47 PM
I prefer t r i p o d as a free site. Then use cjb.net to shorten it.

12-04-2005, 03:03 PM
I realy apriciate ur help so far, And i have noticed that most clans have a Channel for their clan, and a bot to run it. Where can i get a good one, and is it free. i have heard of shawdowbot, but i just want to havemore of a choice, and of corse a little more orginality. thnx again :)

12-19-2005, 07:02 AM
just get stealth bot and leave it in the channel when ur on u can get it at http://stealthbot.net if u want a clan channel get a friend who plays warcraft to make u one, otherwise use op clan.(watever) - thats my suggestion :)

12-20-2005, 05:41 AM
I have made 2 clan websites of my own i use invision free but there advertisements carry trojans so I am using my.dot tk right now its free and no advertisments. try that

Lux Aeterna
12-21-2005, 03:09 PM
Website : Make it off http://www.freew e b s.com/ and redirect it from http://www.c j b.net/ , making it , "http://yourclannamehere.c j b.net/"

Forum: Same thing as before the website as far as redirecting goes, host it off something http://www.invision free.com/ (no space) and have the redirect something like "http://clantagForum. c j b.net/"

OP bot : Simple stealthbot, simple to set up, cd-key suggested is a Starcraft one, very good if you can leave it running 24/7

Recruiting : Join games, ask people... Diablo II isn't too clan-based
Recruiting II: After above is done, you may be able to get your own forum under the Clans section , but you'd strictly have to know what you're doing.

PM me if you need any specifics, or help, I'd be more than glad to.