View Full Version : how much dmg can a necro do with TO set for poison nova????

12-17-2005, 11:40 AM
i plan to make on but if the dmg aint that high i dont wanna

12-17-2005, 01:25 PM
i had 10k but that was with 10pnbs..i used 2/20 nec, 3pnb ammy, nig, 2- dweb, 4nova head, trang gloves, spider, 2sojs, marrows, 10pnbs. max is probaly around 11k over 2seconds, but then u ened 2 take into account poison res, -poison res, and reduce poison length

12-17-2005, 02:35 PM
instead of enigma you should use bramble(25-50% poisen skill dmg and some ok other mods). Also you should of use'd blackbog's as your weapon(adds 3/4dunno skills to nova and both synergys) As for the monsters res, just use lower resistance. And i think nova stacks cause has 1 sec casting delay and lasts like 2sec or something like that. So if you stack it you really do like X1.5 you dmg. With with facets and perfect gear a nova necro could be pretty godly.

12-17-2005, 02:57 PM
cool thx for tips

12-18-2005, 05:04 AM
i have a eth blackbogs and an regular blackbogs for trade east non ladder if u need,

12-18-2005, 07:00 AM
blackbogs has no fcr, adds less damage then deaths web, and deaths web has up to -55poison res (with facet). also high dex req. poison doesnt stack (otherwise it would be too dam good) and while bramble would add more damage, u try running away from people who tele on u...

12-19-2005, 12:37 AM
yea, except it can get kind of crazy when a nec does poison explosion over and over =D

12-19-2005, 10:45 AM
ah yes poison explosion..with the gear i mentioned above u should b doing about 100k+ (over almost 20seconds)