View Full Version : Temp Ban Question

04-22-2006, 08:58 AM
Is it right for me to be temporarily realm banned or w/e for 3 hours?! that seems crazy, i even watched a movie (Saw 2) while waiting and I cant play! any suggestions? or am i just getting ownd by b net.. once again

04-22-2006, 09:01 AM
Be more specific, list any messages that come up when you go on battle.net, run diablo 2, stuff like that.

04-22-2006, 09:03 AM
I was running a bot and when you make to many games over the limit or w/e u get the ban anyways message when i get to character select screen is this:

Your connection has been temporarily restricted from this realm. Please try to log in at another time.

04-22-2006, 09:26 AM
yea people have reported that it can last up to 8 hours

04-22-2006, 09:27 AM
My friend's lasted 3 weeks

04-22-2006, 09:45 AM
3 weeks.... omg..
going on 4 hours now, this is rediculous

04-22-2006, 10:03 AM
what up dude yea that ban shit is gay it boots me for like 8 hrs at a time ive called the bnet ppl they really had no advice but to cool it comin in and out of games like when u baal run or xfer alot just stay in the game a while before u leave same wit any game, or if u have mh they get ya for that the bastards boot u for anything good luck man

Is it right for me to be temporarily realm banned or w/e for 3 hours?! that seems crazy, i even watched a movie (Saw 2) while waiting and I cant play! any suggestions? or am i just getting ownd by b net.. once again

04-22-2006, 10:10 AM
aite, ty for help and grave news lol

04-22-2006, 10:36 AM
LOL ur cdkey is banned only the Non Exp Cdkey is banned. Anywayz wait 30dayys and it will be unbanned AND! u do 1more time its permant.

BTw:acct it loggd off to is gonna say acct closed(8) sorry man this happened to me last night too so gay wat bot were u usin tell us so we know its dectable.. plz kthx

04-22-2006, 11:14 AM
Nick are you sure he just was not temp banned from rapid game join? I have heard of them lasting for quite a bit at times.

04-23-2006, 07:24 PM
no bcz it says temperally realm down thats banned -.-

04-23-2006, 07:34 PM
nick, please stop giving false information. he has connection restricted, which used to be called realm down. he is not banned. if he were banned he would have got the "your account has been closed" message, but he did not.

viz, personally the most i've ever had or had a friend have was a 24 hr restriction. usually they only last me like 30 mins though.

04-23-2006, 08:32 PM
no bcz it says temperally realm down thats banned -.-

That's bs ... ppl get that all the time, which is for creating too fast ...
You just have to restart ur router and wait in a game for some time and problem solved ...