View Full Version : Mule trasfering

04-27-2006, 12:30 AM
whats the best way to transfer stuff to my player from my mule? its hard to do it by leaving and comming back to the game becuase sometimes when i go back to the game it says it doesnt exist so i lose stuff. can some one help?

04-27-2006, 12:34 AM
If you do the leave game and come back quickly transfer by yourself. You got to wait at least I think 5 minutes before game is somewhat "permed" for a few more minutes....

You could also Create a game wait five minutes with your char and to make sure its till there join it real quick and see if it still exsists. If it does then drop your items and hurry back in with mule.

But the best way is always with a trusted friend. Incase you get ipban/realm down or something he can always pick it up for ya and hold on to it till you can get back on.

04-27-2006, 12:44 AM
or u can drop ur items on an afk game like those advertisement ones or mule park games

be aware that items do dissapear over time if left on the ground

04-27-2006, 01:03 AM
The safest and the quickest way to mule is with 2 windows of your own D2 (requires 2 sets of CD-keys ofc)

04-27-2006, 01:31 AM
Yes thats exactly what i use to mule my items, i have 3 cd-keys so its all good for me

04-27-2006, 01:49 AM
[quote=Intoxicator]If you do the leave game and come back quickly transfer by yourself. You got to wait at least I think 5 minutes before game is somewhat "permed" for a few more minutes....

To add a bit. Create a room WITH pw (norm for mule) and wait in room for at least 5 minutes (i usually wait 7-10 just to be sure). Drop a potion (or any crap) and leave room then come back just to check. Drop all your items for xfer and go get mule.

Rooms that are empty are deleted anywhere from a few seconds to roughly thirty seconds, but if a room has been occupied (open) for at least five minutes then the deletion of that room is delayed. (for at least 5 minutes). Regular items will remain on the ground for ~15 min, while uniques can sit on the ground for ~1hr. (this is not a garuntee of course)

04-27-2006, 06:05 AM
1 Create a game with the mule. Wait in the game for 15 minutes.

2 Leave the game, get on the person you are xfering to the mule with. Wait in the chat for about 20 seconds, and attempt to join the game.

If you were able to join the game, it should stay open for at least 10 minutes from that point on. Xfer away

04-27-2006, 07:08 AM
Friends help.