View Full Version : little advice please

05-09-2006, 12:52 AM
hello hello,

i'm gonna get lod today since i'm bored of looking for rares in classic. i wanted to know which character would be best to start some mf runs. i've heard light sorc would be good for bots. i've got a lvl 74 blizz sorc from classic i could convert cause i never use her and an 89 din i'd probably rather keep in classic. would it be better to start a new chara, convert one, or what?


05-09-2006, 02:11 AM
I don't even remember my characters from classic. I probably converted all of them. I would start a new character, a light sorce, on the ladder and get rushed. Then I would get mm.bot to start mfing while you are not playing and building whatever character you find most enjoyable. I play USEast, ladder and will be on tonight for a bit. If you can't find anyone to rush you PM me and I will do it when I can. I probably have some decent stuff to get you started too.

Good luck and enjoy LOD.

05-09-2006, 02:41 AM
yeah i probably should start a new chara. just so tempting to take one from classic. i work tonight but i'm off tomorrow. maybe i'll catch you then, thanks.
