View Full Version : Temp Restriction?

05-16-2006, 04:24 PM
I keep hearing about avoiding realm downs, which I always thought was when you go to make a game and it sits there for a while at the loading screen before it comes up with a black screen ans it says "Failed to Join Game" or something to the effect.

Well, I was MF'ing for like 2 hours, taking my time killing meph and pindle and andy to avoid the realm down. I go I kill the three and leave the game, and it boots me back to my character selection screen, where instead of showing all my character it reads..

"Your connection has been temporarily restricted from this realm. Try to log in at another time"

Its the second time it's happened to me, and typically lasts for about an hour. Is this just another form of a realm down?

I can post a screenie if someone just has to see it, but that's word for word right there.

05-16-2006, 04:31 PM
that is realm down. the other thing is just what it says, failed to join game.

05-17-2006, 02:19 AM
I see...

But the 'Failed to Join Game' appears whenever I try to make games in rapid sucession. For instance, I used to do meph only runs, and I got the failed to join game very frequently, but never got a Realm Down so I just assumed..

Every time I tried to make a new game/join an existing one the Failed to Join would appear unless I selected a different character.