View Full Version : Charge-up-sin aka chargasin By DJ_MUTTA

07-18-2006, 10:12 AM
C/C Charge-up sin aka Chargasin.
By: [email protected] ([email protected])


Martial Art:
20 - Claws of Thunder (First Charge/FC)
20 - Fist of Fire (Secondnary Charge/SC)
20 - Phoenix Strike (Not for use but damage to FoF and CoT)
1 - Dragon Claw (Finishing move)
Shadow disciplines:
20 - Claw Mastery
8 - Burst of Speed
8 - Weapon Block

Note: this is the skills for a lvl 90 char with all skill quests done (101 skills)

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If same eq as me you will need: 52 Note: Without eq
If same eq as me you will need: 153 Note: Without eq
If same eq as me you will need: 315 Note: Without eq
If same eq as me you will need: Dont put any points in here.

Note: This is the stats for a lvl 90 char with all stats quests done in act3. (460 stat points)

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2xBartuc´s socked with ias jewels or shael.
Shako socked with ias jewel.
Dusk shroud/Chains Of honor (CoH).
Soj/Soj or Soj/Ravenfrost.
Gore rider.
If you like speed use Shadow discipline skiller but if you like power use Martial art skillers.
If you got any resistance charms, use them too.

Note: CoH must be made in a Dusk shroud.

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Pvp, You VS Caster:
dont even try it.

Pvp, You VS Melee:
If it´s not a melee assa, dont even try it.

You VS Pvm:
1. Cast BoS.
2. Use FoF until you got charge 3.
3. Use CoT until you got charge 3.
4. Use Dc on left skill.
5. Look at the dead monster.

Note: This is a fun char not a very serius char so have fun.

I have tested this char in singel player and the max damage was 20k
with all 6 charges.

If you find any words spelled bad or anything like that, plz tell me. Bye!

(c) Robin Lundgren, sweden 16 years old :P

Update: 18/07/06
Added pic to show the power in this char (in pvm)
This assassin is made on singel player with legit items and got less good eq then what is named upp there in the guide.
This char got 11 charges up to get to 41k.

Silver Ice
07-18-2006, 04:25 PM
maybe get some resistance charms.. for pvp or pvm.

07-18-2006, 04:36 PM
guides nice and flashy haha overall looks pretty good ill have to try it out on editor and see how it goes....who knows might change my mind about melee sins being usless

07-18-2006, 07:35 PM
Silver Ice- yea good ideéa, i will add that.

Arc-lxk74p- Thank you.

Mr Mellow
07-18-2006, 08:57 PM
All right ill build it Dj, Thank you too for noticeing the post i had. Most people take a look and just leave. Thank you again. Looks like a good build. I know most sins dont have good resist. And is that with the item +'s and skills not the skill gc's? with the 41k with 6 charge?

07-19-2006, 08:11 AM
Mr_Mellow-Well i didnt understand your first question. But the second i did. i had 11 chages on that char to get to 41k, it wasnt very good to use 11 charges cuz it takes to much time.

Mr Mellow
07-19-2006, 11:43 AM
Oh sorry, Did you have skill Gc's to get the dmg + too? Also Didnt you say that the DMG up there was from 6 charges? "I have tested this char in singel player and the max damage was 41k
with all 6 charges "

07-19-2006, 09:00 PM
Ok first question: No i only had 4 skillers (MA)
Second question: opss didnt change that.

07-19-2006, 11:13 PM
ive tried that assa in many different ways and came up with that it can be good 4 vs casters in PvP, i had full ress with my assa in sp, if u use CoT and dragon flight it might work

07-20-2006, 09:34 AM
windr90- Well yea, didnt think of that :P