View Full Version : New Years resolutions
12-31-2006, 03:23 PM
Lets hear em'.
My resolutions are to do a little better in school.
12-31-2006, 03:58 PM
i made several
1. to make my intel COMPLETELY passive and undecetable by this time 2007
2. improve my relatiions with friends
3. to improve my defenses agansit mathal haters
4. do a LOT better in school
5. to clear my name of any retardation
12-31-2006, 04:01 PM
Sounds like an interesting resolution, Mathalamus.
Anyway...mine is to not smoke **** for an entire year.
yeah =/
12-31-2006, 04:09 PM
Be sober for the whole year.
12-31-2006, 04:15 PM
Cut the time I spend on video games! BY HALF!
And use that time to spend with friends or my girlfriend or something.
12-31-2006, 04:19 PM
Mine is to get fit, because I"m becoming a fatty :(, and end up buff by the end of next year.
12-31-2006, 04:29 PM
To stop procrastinating.
did bartender seriously just say " to be sober for a full year" hes like 11
mine is to get laid atleast 100 times :D
12-31-2006, 06:16 PM
1. lose enough fat to get a six pack
2. stick to a good diet
3. work out correctly so that i dont get buff out of proportion
4. get better grades in my classes
5. get good at DDR
12-31-2006, 06:46 PM
dont waste my life on the computer as much lol
i have 1 resolution..
To stick with a damn job!!
and im just wondering is it really that hard for you fellas to stay fit? not hard for me im always playing sports... maybe you should get into a sport join a team that will help
12-31-2006, 07:05 PM
5. get good at DDR
Trust don't want to do that....
12-31-2006, 08:06 PM
why not?
and invisible, i dont really play sports anymore cause i am god-awful when it comes to running. i have nearly zero endurance so i'll sprint hella fast for maybe 15 secs then i am wasted
12-31-2006, 11:22 PM
My is: No wanking of in 40 days.
01-01-2007, 01:33 AM
Mine is to be more attentive to others around me.
Be more aware of needs and wants from those I care about.
Also to try to be a fair and active member of the forums I love.
To help people solve their problems or offer psychological ,meaningful support.
To just be the best person I can be as a friend.
to watch more genuinely awesome movies while they are in the theaters,
to stop looking back at events and being like 'damn why didn't i do that,'
to manage my money better and save more toward the "dream fund,"
stop being irresponsible and reckless with myself at work,
throw the wildest kegger ever for my 18th
01-01-2007, 02:58 AM
To stop procrastinating.
^that and to quit smoking....againconfused:
to play d2 alot less, maybe not at all, not completely sure yet. after duping so much, d2 has lost its appeal for me, and maybe that will give me the strength to quit, and never turn back. Its a very addicting game, and it took up to much time of my life, maybe i can get a decent relationship with a girlfriend, and even socialize more, even get my band going again -it died.
breakdance more.
get a freakin job.
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