View Full Version : I have to rant...
Metalhead Steve
01-19-2007, 07:15 AM
I am so ****ing pissed right now... I have been angry all day because I know I am only going to get 2 hours of freedom tonight. It's total bullshit, I have to go to drug treatment. 3 hours a night 3 days a week and 1 Saturday per month for a dime bag of ****. It is total horseshit because first of all drunk drivers do less rehab than me and they have a chance to kill someone... Who am I going to kill with a ****ing dimebag? Second of all I hate the people. Juggaloes, Hot Topic kids, wiggers, and dumbasses all clumped in one room. Sounds pleasant huh? The place is ****ing stupid for calling itself drug treatment because I have spent 12 hours in that little slice of hell and still have not learned a single thing about drugs or why I should not do them. 12 hours in and I should have a shit load of this "knowledge" I am paying for. The counselors are ****ing retards and act like everything is a ****ing creampuff. OMFG I JUST WANT TO ****ING HIT SOMETHING RIGHT NOW....
I am truly sorry but something has pushed me over the edge in the recent minutes and I had to say something... I am thinking about asking to be placed in a 30 day inpatient program which would probably roughly equal the 90 day hell I am facing right now. It is just stupid that drunk drivers do less than me and I get stuck with this bullshit because I like to smoke my ****. I am getting high after tonight, I dont give a shit. I deserve it at this point. **** them, **** their program, just **** it. Thanks for listening, I feel slightly better now yet I am still pissed off. Later.
01-19-2007, 07:20 AM
I understand completely what you are saying about the system. I have never understood how you can steal 200 from a store and be busted for a felony, but a drunk driver gets off with a MM. Just crazy. What I will say is a counselor wont really tell you why not to smoke **** because its better for you than booze.
What I will say is a bud of mine that got busted for DUI had to go through lots of treatment, Diversion, and all that crap. Costs lots of money...I guess it just depends on what state you live in.
why I should not do them
because if u do, THIS happens. u go to rehab and get ****ed.
dont compare **** to alcohol btw, its a whole different subject. i do agree however that drinking is far worse than smokin *** for you and the people around u. the worse u can do when ur high is make people laugh at u... xD
01-19-2007, 07:35 AM
Why not compare the two? One is legal, the other isn't...and why is that? Because one is the governments drug they want you to do for money reasons, and the other is because there is some sort of false stigma related to it.
Metal I totally agree with you on that I mean all your going to do when your high is sit in front of a tv laugh or just go on the computer right?? You ain't killing anybody but a drunk driver could kill lots of people, anyways I did not now you had to pay to go to that crap you feell like all they are saying is "don't smoke ****" and then you ask why and they dont give an answer.. lol, I'd be hella pissed off too if this happened to me.
O/T: I know im amazed im not duping right now >.>...
01-19-2007, 07:56 AM
Alcohol is legal because it has long historical roots within people's cultures and societies. It's a social drug, and is accepted as that.
**** is not a social drug (of course you're welcome to argue otherwise) and is not accepted as that.
That's why one is legal and the other one isn't.
Illegalizing alcohol is retarded. Think back to Prohibition in America, and all over the world.
I come from Estonia. Drunk drivers there get ****ed. I wouldn't even consider sitting behind a wheel with any alcohol in me whatsoever (yes, even 0.1 will get you a huge fine and/or you can lose your license). Maybe it would work in America as well if you had stricter rules in that sense.
01-19-2007, 08:22 AM
We do have strict rules for the most part Unless you live in a place like Texas..LOL. It doesn't stop anyone.
**** has been a social drugs with peoples roots for thousands of years! LOL. Im not saying that booze should be illegal. Im just saying that if it is legal then **** should be.
01-19-2007, 10:28 AM
We do have strict rules for the most part Unless you live in a place like Texas..LOL. It doesn't stop anyone.
**** has been a social drugs with peoples roots for thousands of years! LOL. Im not saying that booze should be illegal. Im just saying that if it is legal then **** should be.
**** has been smoked by certain groups of people (not all) for quite a while, yet that does not make it a social, or a mature drug. When I mean social drinking, I mean going to a pub with your friends for a little drink, having some wine at dinner, champagne on celebrations, etc examples are endless.
You cannot smoke **** socially. It's a teenage thing. It's like saying that you're going to go and get socially drunk out of your mind.
So in conclusion, there is a difference between having a glass of wine and having a spliff.
Serioulsy getting caught with **** is pretty much a slap on the wrist around here. very rarely have i seen it reported when it happens to friends of mine. especially when its as little as a dimebag.
how did you get caught with it in the first place?
Metalhead Steve
01-20-2007, 02:04 AM
Riverfest, annual shit where the whole city gets together. Needless to say I will not be going there any more unless there is a good band playing and that is extremely rare.
01-20-2007, 02:49 AM
I find my kids (plural) **** all the time,and tell them to hide it better before Dad finds it. My kids are all older ranging in age from 18-22...I know they use it and they talk to me about it...Dad,however would kill them.This is why they come to Mom.It,IMO is their choice....I have never tried it,but will not bash them for enjoying it.
01-20-2007, 03:19 AM
**** has been smoked by certain groups of people (not all) for quite a while, yet that does not make it a social, or a mature drug. When I mean social drinking, I mean going to a pub with your friends for a little drink, having some wine at dinner, champagne on celebrations, etc examples are endless.
You cannot smoke **** socially. It's a teenage thing. It's like saying that you're going to go and get socially drunk out of your mind.
So in conclusion, there is a difference between having a glass of wine and having a spliff.
There is no difference to those people who smoke ****. **** is just as social as beer. I mean its more likely that you find people who drink by themselves, then smoke by themselves. Have you ever been to Amsterdam? Its very social like that there. What about the american Indians who sat around smoking it with their friends.
Metalhead Steve
01-20-2007, 04:32 AM
Yes **** is very different than alcohol, I would rather ride in a car with someone who smoked 5 blunts than someone who took 5 shots.
01-20-2007, 04:50 AM
Dude I would rather ride IN a car with someone who smoked 5 blunts to a person who took 2 shots...
Im surprised they made you go through all that stuff for a dimebag. Usually they just give you a ticket, or sometimes the cops tell you just to get rid of it.
Metalhead Steve
01-20-2007, 05:50 AM
The state makes more money by making me miserable, it is as simple as that.
Kyle Destroyer
01-20-2007, 06:47 AM
**** was alright when it was just grown straight from the ground, now its laced with LSD and god knows what. Maybe, instead of blaming other people, you should not be a ****ing dumbass and smoke an illegal substance in public.
01-20-2007, 07:51 AM
LoL **** isn't laced with anything usually unless you get it from weird people. Just another comment made from someone who doesn't know anything about it.
01-21-2007, 02:10 AM
There is no difference to those people who smoke ****. **** is just as social as beer. I mean its more likely that you find people who drink by themselves, then smoke by themselves. Have you ever been to Amsterdam? Its very social like that there. What about the american Indians who sat around smoking it with their friends.
No, I haven't been to Amsterdam (but will go this summer), however, I did like in Switzerland for 5 years, where **** is also legal. Additionally, I have quite a few friends from Holland and they all tell me that the streets are full of ****ed up druggies. May not only be caused by ****, however ********* is a gateway drug (while alcohol is not so much). As I specified before, there is a difference between having a glass of beer and a spliff.
01-21-2007, 02:49 AM
Yea. im sure your situation really sucks right now.
about the alcohol vs. ****. their has never been a death directly related to ****. this is a kwown fact. their have been countless related deaths to alcohol (drunk driving, bar fights, list goes on). the only reason **** is illegal is because the government doesnt make any money out of it
Metalhead Steve
01-21-2007, 03:42 AM
No, I haven't been to Amsterdam (but will go this summer), however, I did like in Switzerland for 5 years, where **** is also legal. Additionally, I have quite a few friends from Holland and they all tell me that the streets are full of ****ed up druggies. May not only be caused by ****, however ********* is a gateway drug (while alcohol is not so much). As I specified before, there is a difference between having a glass of beer and a spliff.
**** is not a gateway drug, this is what the government says to stop the sale of it... It is your choice to try crack or heroine, you cannot say "**** made me do it." That would be incredibly stupid to say because it is noones choice but your own to try all the other shit.
**** was alright when it was just grown straight from the ground, now its laced with LSD and god knows what. Maybe, instead of blaming other people, you should not be a ****ing dumbass and smoke an illegal substance in public.
An uneducated comment... I remember arguing with this chick in art class a long time ago and I asked her how **** is a drug and she just said "PCP." I rofled at that one. And I wasn't smoking it in public it was just in my pocket.
I'm not like all these idiots in the USA who always talk about how they're going to move to Amsterdam, I love my country I just don't agree with alot of the things going on in the government right now. If anything I'll move to Denver and smoke it if I really want it to be legal.
In Colorado I believe it is legal to grow and smoke ********* just illegal to traffic it. If it is for private use you can legally hold up to a half ounce of ****, just don't get caught trafficking.
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