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02-12-2007, 03:01 PM
[email protected] says:
lol couldnt' change you pm box size lol strange seeing that i can change post count and rep but did change you user title lol goodnight
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
ACK! What to?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
*kisses you warmly* night sweetheart
They think people are like WOW FREE SHITZ I JOYN NOW
[email protected] says:
well i pm'ed spit about it lets see what he does.
Mr. Whiskers says:
You PM'd him?
[email protected] ([email protected]) says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
ok don't only IP ban sweatheart
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
nuke his house
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
well i ip-banned three of his addresses
[email protected] says:
dunno if he has more or not
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
omg my darling baby
[email protected] says:
stupid nugget is not replying
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I was ready to shoot myself
[email protected] says:
that guy has always been a problem but he hadn't posted in months
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
seriously I was at my wits end and out of ideas
[email protected] says:
ehh it happens everyonce in awhile when i was Smod and these problem came about me a fuggy had a race to so who could ban that person the most lol
[email protected] says:
until cheshire or spit came on
[email protected] says:
i wish i had a e-stick to beat people with
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I was like
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
scratching my head and banning left and right
[email protected] says:
lol atleast its fun
[email protected] says:
what does fuggy want to speak about it?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
same shit
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
lets add that *****

Mr. Whiskers has been added to the conversation.

[email protected] says:
his att it again the stupid shit
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
[email protected] says:
yea on another ip either that or his having his friends at his site doing this
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I say nuke
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I was stymied baby
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I ran out of options
[email protected] says:
atleast i can do mass deletion of posts
Mr. Whiskers says:
****ing RPG Sector
Mr. Whiskers says:
That's what I'm doing Frog
[email protected] says:
lol are you spamming fuggy ?
Mr. Whiskers says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
I'm mass deleting everything in sight
[email protected] says:
del what?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
about time you worked *****
Mr. Whiskers says:
All those retarded things
[email protected] says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
Lol I'm always closing shit that comes up and deleting advertisements and permabanning
[email protected] says:
and i am ip-banning and del
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
people that want this job are retards
Mr. Whiskers says:
I'm not even logging into ModCP
Mr. Whiskers says:
I'm just using the Permaban warning
[email protected] says:
so i noticed
Mr. Whiskers says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
Frog, can you turn off Account creation for a day or two?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
wtf do they think? we cant SEEE this?
[email protected] says:
erggh i dunno i think i can change all forums to have a post count
Mr. Whiskers says:
Why are people so stupid as to Report posts.
Mr. Whiskers says:
As if we didn't notice the 600 threads.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
because i am too stupid to notice them?
[email protected] says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
******slaps Fuggy*
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
but yah...it is reterded and I was ready to kill myself
Mr. Whiskers says:
BlueBleeder is stupid, he thinks there's only one problem and that since we banned him he's gone for good
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
Oh yeah Pam, my Auto-Leveler is up to a 400 chain lol
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Bluebleeder sent 15 PMs yesterday all amounting to nothing
Mr. Whiskers says:
I want to ban him
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
you lazy *****
Mr. Whiskers says:
He's a ****ing moron
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
that he is
[email protected] says:
should i post limit everything of the site?
Mr. Whiskers says:
to like 10?
Mr. Whiskers says:
Or better yet, 1.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
what wouls that do sweets
Mr. Whiskers says:
So that you have to have at least 1 post to make a thread/post.
[email protected] says:
wont allow these clowns to post
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
ok my opinion
[email protected] says:
just wondering if i have to do it to all subforums?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
I assume RPG Sector is totally unrelated to our Sector network
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
wtf Fuggy?
Mr. Whiskers says:
Otherwise I'd have to punch Spit.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
do it anyway
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he is a ****tard
[email protected] says:
well looks like i can turn of registration
Mr. Whiskers says:
Do it.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I say at least 10 posts before requests or such
[email protected] says:
try to register and see if it worked fuggle
Mr. Whiskers says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
I have too many emails at the site.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
***** delete them
Mr. Whiskers says:
I can't delete accounts...
[email protected] says:
i can
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
oh that
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
some accounts are just useless
[email protected] says:
yea registering is off there is not even a link for it
[email protected] says:
well there is but when you click on it says you cant
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
how do these ****tards keep making multiples
[email protected] says:
multiple members form that rpg sector
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
better question

[email protected] ([email protected]) has left the conversation.

Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Mr. Whiskers says:
Wow random
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
the hell frog go
[email protected] ([email protected]) says:
add fuggle again t to the conversation

Mr. Whiskers has been added to the conversation.

Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
[email protected] says:
well thats over
[email protected] says:
registration is disabled
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I honestly do not know why they do this
Mr. Whiskers says:
They think people are like WOW FREE SHITZ I JOYN NOW

Ok this is a bit out of sequence.,but what we talk about.

02-13-2007, 08:54 AM
I love how you guys have secret conversations about people you hate but they end up being posted anyways lol.

02-13-2007, 11:29 AM
No big deal, I'm constantly calling out BlueBleeder.

02-13-2007, 11:41 AM
dude, you call out and crush any one who opposes you.

02-13-2007, 12:20 PM
fuggles an e-ass thats why. he doesnt even tell me why he hates me or what his problem is anyway.

02-13-2007, 12:27 PM
dude, you call out and crush any one who opposes you.

well no one has crushed me yet, or are you chicken

02-14-2007, 04:27 AM
well no one has crushed me yet, or are you chicken

It is a waste of typing effort Math. BTW welcome back. Ignoring you is the normal procedure. Warning and Infracting come next,after your most stupid,
pointless,irrelevant posts force a responce...good job on that.

02-14-2007, 05:44 AM
pam, your good at owning for a secretary

02-14-2007, 07:06 AM
nah, she didnt own me yet

for anyone to REALLY own me, they need to hack into my frinds MSN account and impersonate them, thatll destabilize the region around me

02-14-2007, 08:00 AM
fuggles an e-ass thats why. he doesnt even tell me why he hates me or what his problem is anyway.
Because you are the most ignorant, unintelligent, and generally idiotic member on the site as of now.

02-14-2007, 12:11 PM
nah, she didnt own me yet

for anyone to REALLY own me, they need to hack into my frinds MSN account and impersonate them, thatll destabilize the region around me

I beg to differ fuggle, I nominate mathalumus for that. He might be a close second though...

02-14-2007, 02:14 PM
We have quite a running for the 1st 2nd 3rd and so on going. We have many contestants and hopefuls for fuggles idiot bashing, he can only do so much of it though.

02-14-2007, 05:43 PM
Ah yes, Fuggy's bashing; always a good time.

Btw Fug's voice is very sexy; I basically want to leap on him like a hefty kid on a snack machine that keeps on spitting out free food. Also, he is far from a liar because he actually does lol whenever he says "lol" (accompanied by heavy breathing that reminds me of Hannibal Lector). Now I just need to hear Pam and I'll be done the grand tour of the voices of grandeur.

Just felt I had to share that.

02-14-2007, 07:23 PM
LMAO! I was on voice with Fuggy today and he was laughing too!I was slapping the desk and almost crying laughing.Damn Fuggy has a sexy voice,it melts me.I made him turn his speaker up because it would fade out.If you think his posting is sarcastic....put on all armor to talk to him...he had me falling from the chair laughing!