View Full Version : Anyone play Rakion? Need help!!

02-28-2007, 10:53 PM
Yes i was bored i had nothing to do .. went to download Rakion
From the download site and went to download.com and DLed it.

Went to rakion.softnex or watever.. registered.

Hurriedly opened the program.. logged in.. And clicked start game.
Then it gives me this page

nvm..i went to migrate anyways..just playing for fun.

Have to create some crap new account for mobius or whatever..NVM I CREATED.

Then it asks me for my Rakion user and pass... NOW THIS SHIT IS THE PROBLEM!
I typed in my DAM RIGHT password and USER (DEFINITELY RIGHT) from where i registered at Rakion site. I even tried chnging the password to make sure its right.

Im not even sure if is that my Rakion user.. HOW do i create a Rakion user? What im saying is the user from Rakion.softnyx.net.. thats my '''''''rakion'''''' user.

Now what crap is that?

now reps for some dam help


Ok great.. i finally got the dam program opening.. Starting gameguard and everything... then..screen turns back .. goes goooky then goes back to desktop .. NO RAKION running..under taskmanager or ANYTHING. Wtf?

Im on a 32bit color and 1440 x 900 pixels. I tried running 1024 x 768 and opening Rakion but STILL it doesnt work.


03-01-2007, 05:31 AM
Not sure how to fix, but Rakion is fun for a short while... however once you get to 19 it won't let you level any further unless you pay.

03-01-2007, 05:35 AM
(the game sucks anyway) Its known for stuff like this. I'd give up.

03-01-2007, 01:56 PM
WTF i have to pay?!


What games do you guys recommend?

The Mob
03-01-2007, 02:20 PM
Rakion, now, (im guessing) doesnt run off of your desktop anymore. you have to go through IE. thats what happened to gunbound.

edit. i played the game about 2 years ago (i think) back when they were still beta testing. i remember how hard it was to freaking lvl. now imo its a rip off of wow

03-01-2007, 03:06 PM
Go through IE? How do i do that? What do you mean?

The Mob
03-01-2007, 04:27 PM
(im going to speak in terms of gunbound, both games are made by the same company, and i think that both work the same way.)
even though you downloaded the game, the only way to actually play it is by launching it through their website. as youve said, you already have an account. log onto the account and click on play live(gunbound). i dont know what it is for rakion, but it should be similar.
i also found this on rakion's website.
::Rakion:: (http://rakion.softnyx.net/news/notice_view.asp?f_index=1638&page=1)

03-02-2007, 05:48 PM
Ok..this is the problem now.

I open RAkion VIA the launcher;..Small window pops up.. Types in my mobius account... Click next next... Then Gameguard loads..Rakion opens..screen turns black then closes =/

I open via the rexe in rakion folder.. press start game.. Brings me to this gay migration page. Which i totally do not have the Rakion account at all to continue.
So either way it doesnt work.

03-03-2007, 07:40 AM
First of all, don't use the Mobius version. Second, you do NOT have to pay. It's a free game, but you can buy special items or a power user with real money.

Make a new account and use the Softnyx version.

I find Rakion to be a very fun game and have been playing it for over a year now.

03-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Got a step by step detailed instruction on playing it? LOl

Im now playing Space Cowboys LOL.. Hella interesting game.. Some ex bzs member introduced it to me.