View Full Version : Possible Dupe

06-15-2007, 03:07 PM
HI I just found this website that explains a dupe method but I dont really understand it. If someone could check it out and see if it actually works and explain it that would help me out alot thank you.

the website is d2*********.mine.nu - Your Source for 0day Diablo II Hacks and Information (http://d2.nullspot.net/vtdupe.html)

06-15-2007, 04:29 PM
scanned it with symantec AV and found 2 infected infostealer files

06-15-2007, 07:44 PM
This file is not safe! (didnt even have to scan it all the way)

A-Squared *****-***** Found Trojan-Spy.Win32.DiabloII.c
AntiVir *****-***** Found TR/Spy.DiabloII.C.22
ArcaVir *****-***** Found Trojan.Spy.Diabloii.C
Avast *****-***** Found Win32:Trojan-gen.
AVG Antivirus *****-***** Found PSW.Generic.EIY
BitDefender *****-***** Found Trojan.Spy.Diabloii.C
ClamAV *****-***** Found Trojan.Spy.DiabloII-2
Dr.Web *****-***** Found Trojan.PWS.Gamania

Also - All other files from this website should be deemed out of date, but not safe to use.

06-16-2007, 07:22 AM
Wow. Who would guess that a dupe program would be infected with trojans? lol. Could one of the mods ban him/remove the link?