View Full Version : Possible Dupe method

07-27-2007, 04:22 AM
New here .. but discovered a few mothods while playing yesterday and had to share it and discuss with people who know what theyre talking about

Im running in windows mode by the way

1st ) I was rushing someone and needed TPs, so i started buying them, really quickly.

Apparently if you buy then very quickly you can freeze your diablo. If you just spam clicks you can get it to freeze after buying 2 tps. Though, normaly to get a good rythm you need to go up to at about 4-10

Anyway, i noticed that when i reentered the game i didnt have as man TPs as i bought. I tested, retested and retested and can do this every single time. I have counted how many tps ive bought and the number i have after i reenter the game is ALWAYS less than the number i actually bought..

2nd) I can get a connectoin interrupted if you hold the window bar on the top of the diablo window (... you know what i mean ? the thing with the [ - ] [ X ]) for about 1 minute. Then when you release, itll give you a connection interrupted message and bring you back to the character select screeen.


now im not entirely sure if any of this is useful .. but i figured id post the info and see if you guys could think of any way to use this.

For example .. I attempted to sell an item to ormus. I would drag the item to the tps... get ready to click super fast... then sell the item and spam mouse to buy tps .. getting the disconnect. If i could get it fast enough to where i lose the tps .. i could possible keep the item i sold, and player b could buy it back.

it didnt work when i attempted it .. but maybe a clicking program .. even autoit could possible do it faster.

Will be looking forward to seeing what you guys post.

07-27-2007, 04:57 AM
testing are u ladder or nl west?

07-27-2007, 05:53 AM
Very interesting.

07-27-2007, 05:56 AM
tested method one with auto it, no c/i ;)

07-27-2007, 06:02 AM
no luck as of yet is any 1 us west ladder or even nl?

07-27-2007, 08:26 AM
i been thinking why the "your connection is interrupted" screen comes up, it's appearing to me more often than usual today. was doing ubertrist then all a sudden this happens, was glad the game didn't end i could rejoin, but happened again when i was smiting baal. same thing repeated 3 times but i was able to finish the trist overall, was a crappy necro torch..

anyway i think the server is getting laggier by day, dont know why.

07-27-2007, 09:34 AM
iim begining to drop more and mnore also. intruiging.

07-27-2007, 09:42 AM
i was doing this on E/sc/l

also running 32bit Vista .. maybe the outdated drivers is a key?

i dont know if anyone has duplicated it .. but i mean, you really have to buy the tps fast ... not the books, just the scrolls. i also found that having a fresh scroll books makes it easier to do .

07-27-2007, 10:22 AM
hmm maybe some 1 will jonio me in game ive thought of a method it will req. 3 ppl.

07-27-2007, 11:50 AM
Well, although I'm new, I'd be willing to help (Use a shitty item since it's common sense to not trust me)
Account VJain on USWest

07-27-2007, 12:30 PM
hmm ok ill shoot u a wisp

07-27-2007, 01:19 PM
whats your acct? You haven't msged me yet.

08-03-2007, 04:20 PM
yea vsd dearman i can help ot with ya method. i have mutiply d2loaders if that will help at all xD

08-03-2007, 04:42 PM
the possibility of packet loss from this is acctually quite possible....when you sell an item and buy a Tps you only send 1 packet.

However for the selling of an item you receive 5 packets:
0x47: Realator1
0x48: Realator2
0x42: ClearCursor
0x2a: TransactionComplete
0x1d(or 1e): GoldAdjustment

The Buying of a TPS receives 6 packets:
0x22: UpdateTPs
0x2a: TransactionComplete
0x9c: WorldItemAction(scroll to container)
0x47: Realator1
0x48: Realator2
0x1d(or 1e):GoldAdjustment

that is alot of packets for just a one click action.
now to put it on a rapid setting....and that is a very large ammount of packets....a.k.a. easy packet loss. This should really be looked into a little bit more. Update me some more if you could xsv_dearman.

08-03-2007, 10:21 PM
^^ very interesting. now if only the npcs gave you a receipt, we would have this thing all figured out