View Full Version : Mana Energy Potion: a liter of energy in a 40ml bottle

02-05-2008, 03:40 AM

If you're on a neverending quest to attain 100 Grade-A World of Warcraft geekery, you might want to take a gander at the Mana Energy Potion. This unlicensed supplement drink (http://www.qj.net/The-Resident-Evil-Energy-Drink-curing-the-T-Virus-We-think-/pg/49/aid/74932) claims to be able to pump up a gamer with five hours' worth of jitter free energy.

According to the Mana Energy Potion website, one 40ml bottle is equivalent to two 8-ounce Red Bulls or four cups of coffee. More interestingly, one 40ml bottle contains 1600 of the recommended daily Vitamin B6 intake and a whopping 6667 of the recommended daily Vitamin B6 intake. No, that's not a typo.

Thing is, all of the claims made by the Mana Energy Potion website hasn't been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA (http://wow.qj.net/tags/fda/9208)). Also keep that 6667 Vitamin B12 RDA in mind. It comes in a pretty nice package (http://www.qj.net/Crisis-Core-site-update-the-FFVII-10th-Anniversary-Potion/pg/49/aid/97928), though, so you may want to check it out if only for that. These things come in 2-packs for US 6.90 plus US 4.55 shipping and handling.