View Full Version : Trading Diablo 2 Cdkeys

03-07-2008, 04:31 AM
Hello everyone,
Since I'm now ending my lucrative diablo 2 career and my brothers want a warcraft 3 cdkey set so they can play on b-net, I'm now willing to trade:

Both, my diablo 2 cdkey and the expansion cdkey
-they are fully functional on battlenet


Both, a warcraft 3 cdkey and the expansion cdkey (frozen throne)
-they must be fully functional on battlenet

anyone interested in trading or
any questions regarding the trade can be sent to
wakkadoobie at gmail dot com
please do not post any information regarding cdkeys in this thread

thank you

ps. my accounts on b-net have yet to be "delt with" so if anyone would like like to trade the warcraft cdkeys for my accounts and passwords that is also fair game. I assure you, they are worth it.

07-12-2008, 06:39 AM
i think you will have better chance to sell it on e-bay.