View Full Version : im a pitiful begger!(cdkey)

03-13-2008, 05:04 AM
Well, ill take the time to explain my situation. I left d2 months ago with 2 cdkey sets. I used to have my cdkeys written in text document. Well, i come back wanting/feigning to play d2. I find out 1 set (that i had in a PM on this site) seemed to have gotten disabled and i lost my original classic cdkey(and its case). I do have in front of me my d2 LOD cd case, which has the cdkey and seems to be working. My issue seems to be the classic key. My old harddrive had crashed along with the computer and ive since built my own and even if i found my d2 cdkey i think 1 or 2 characters were smudged to unreadable.

So I beg of you, if you have a spare cdkey/cdkey set, or someway of me acquiring said keys, i would be greatly appreciated!


PS: My advanced apologies for breaking any rules!

03-13-2008, 12:15 PM
um, although as pitiful as you do sound, i doubt anyone will give out cd-key(s) to a new member, that is if anyone would even give out cdkeys.

03-13-2008, 12:17 PM
"May 2006" isn't TOO new is it? i could have sworn thats almost 2 years ago ;-D but its cool i know, i was just hopin and prayin.

03-13-2008, 12:25 PM
"May 2006" isn't TOO new is it? i could have sworn thats almost 2 years ago ;-D but its cool i know, i was just hopin and prayin.
your not exactly an active member, is what i think he means to say.
for example, before this thread your last post was in january 2007.
i did however reply in one of your 2006 threads ^_^

Lux Aeterna
03-13-2008, 12:27 PM
Thread title itself explains everything.

Closed, we don't give out, trade, etc CDkeys here.