View Full Version : Rishodi's pindlebot: Can't start D2 correctly

07-23-2004, 11:37 PM

The problem is that when i start Pindlebot.exe, D2 starts but has the wrong resosution I think. Diablo is in 800x600 but my Desktop resolution is at 800x600, too! The D2 Window is bigger then my monitor. the parameters are correctly (-skiptobnet -w -res800) but somehow the desktop resolution changes. Usually it is set to 1280x1024 but when i start Pindlebot.exe (or Diablo II.exe with the right parameters) it changes to 800x600.

When i am in the game and switch with ALT+TAB to windows and change the desktop resolution to 800x600, the D2 window is normal (in the left corner) but i cant do this while my bot is started, cause the bot always restarts diablo. and after it starts new (with false resolution) it restarts again and again.

Can you help me with this problem or has someone else this problem, too??

greetz, bolly