View Full Version : JHJ Item Pickups?

07-30-2004, 04:55 AM
Im left clueless about which items it picks up, or how to change it... should I run ZPickit with it? I need to know how to configure the bot to pickup what i want.. please help
.. :(

07-30-2004, 05:03 AM
dunt run zPickit with it... it has its own built in..

do a search for like jhj's pickit or something on this forum.. i kno theres a post somewhere about it

i gotta eat so i can try to help u l8r

07-30-2004, 05:20 AM
jhj will take all good items ... u dont need to set it ... but i know how to do it in control center i cant help u right now ... maybe later

07-30-2004, 05:32 AM
did u have the vindicate or whatever.. ever gonna show it

(ok that was offtopic)

07-30-2004, 05:49 AM
I searched, and I heard people keep refering to the dummies site.

At the dummies site it has a quick section on the pickit portion of JHJ's.

The 3 pictures it supplies to explain the process of JHJ Pickit are not working links... can somebody please help explain to me how to configure the pickit properly.

*woot, just found unique eldritches orb*

07-30-2004, 06:10 AM
so did u get it to work..?
you have to just read the instructions of the for dummies site, the pictures rnt a huge deal - though they help a lot

07-30-2004, 06:36 AM
Nope, didn't get it to work, the dummies site does not help, pictures are broken, please help...

07-30-2004, 06:39 AM
hm ok ..

did u read the whole site for one?

2) where did u get stuck at?

07-30-2004, 07:13 AM
My bot works perfectly, kills pindle and tele's over and repeats... how do i edit the items i pickup? ... i dont see any pickit files? :( any .ini's or configs... where do i edit the pickit list

07-30-2004, 07:15 AM
you dunt have to edit the pickit file.
it runs with its own pickits and grabs all the items worth keeping.

i personally dont kno how to edit the pickit file, because the pickit auto grabs the stuff i want / is worth having.

07-30-2004, 07:34 AM
So the question still remains


07-30-2004, 07:37 AM
isnt it on the for dummies guide..?
i cant check right now but i would if i could

07-30-2004, 07:44 AM
The dummies guide provides 3 pictures that do not work, so the dummie guide is useless, please help?

07-30-2004, 07:50 AM
do a searchon the forum.. i kno theres a thread in here somewhere about it.

07-30-2004, 07:54 AM
OMFG ITS IN THE DAMN SITE! HEre ill break it down for you. Go to RunPCenter, Click on ??Bot??, Open the Bot tab up to the item section, Top left is 'UNIQUES' Top Right is 'Rares' Bottom left is 'Sets' Bottom Right is 'Other' Lowest bottom is "Miscellaneous' (Other + Miscellaneous are almost the same thing).

Now: To add, lets say 'Arkaines Valor Balrog Skin' You Go to the Uniq section (Top left) and click on any one of the ones already there. Click on the bottom part where if u click it, a whole list of items will show up. Search for "BALROG SKIN' , Click that, and press the first '??' button to the right, which will add ARKAINES VALOR BALROG SKIN to the Uniq section for it to pickup. Two or more of the same codes will still work. Hope it works.