View Full Version : I Really Really Really Need Help (d2jsp)

08-02-2004, 12:59 PM
I have asked a million times and haven't gotten a reply, this can't be a hard problem to deal with. Someone out there HAS to know how to fix this. Ok heres the problem. D2JSP works great and all but one problem happens, my lifewatch console in the bottom left corner goes all red and says "failed to drink, out of rejuv potions". My belt manager is working great, it fills up my mana and health pots nicely, but she refuses to drink any. I've searched thoroughly in my mephxp file, its not a problem in there I dont think. Probably a problem in my lifewatch file, but i dont know how to configure that file and I don't even know if thats the right one. Please someone help me out. I'm sorry I'm gettin all whiny, but its been like a month of asking and no one can help me heh. Thanks for any help.

08-05-2004, 08:25 AM
idk the exact problem but if its a potion problem its eigher the belt or life watch script if u cant figure it out ur self go download it and overwrite it to set it to default