View Full Version : botting isnt good

08-11-2004, 01:31 AM
this is my opinion im just seeing if anyone else has it too...... plz no hostilit im just stating how i feel.. well i think bnet would be alot more fun WITHOUT bots... lets see...

good things: can sleep while mfing... wow thats about it

bad things:causes major lag on servers...lags certain ips until realm down... makes all the items the bots find worth less and less every day... haha arent the 2k lines fun too??..


08-11-2004, 07:56 AM
your right that is your opinion .............

08-11-2004, 08:02 AM
ur right it's his opinion, and i'm seconding his opinion. i think hes right botting is a dumb idea, if u shelled out XX dollars to buy the game u might as well actually play the game, and mf without the use of a bot.

(note: this prob should've gone in flame wars even if u don't want any hostility, just seems by the title that it should go there.)

08-11-2004, 08:04 AM
this is my opinion im just seeing if anyone else has it too...... plz no hostilit im just stating how i feel.. well i think bnet would be alot more fun WITHOUT bots... lets see...

good things: can sleep while mfing... wow thats about it

bad things:causes major lag on servers...lags certain ips until realm down... makes all the items the bots find worth less and less every day... haha arent the 2k lines fun too??..

bots' arent causing the 2k lag line... d2 is sharing servers with WoW and thats causing it

08-11-2004, 08:31 AM
the reason for botting is that some of us have a life and have something to do other then staying on the computer all day. Instead of not having a life some of us do and if your jealous please don't express it in a form of stupidity cough* jedi cough* we obviously bought the game played it and got bored so we let bots do the job :)

08-11-2004, 08:35 AM
While we on the subject of server lag, anyone notice that you dont need to wait in line anymore. What does this do to botting? Isnt it going to be easier to catch now or something? Or youll get banned for creating to many games to fast. Not banned but a temp pause u know what I mean.

08-11-2004, 08:36 AM
Botting rite now is a key time to do it because with no lines there are no delays which is Godly

08-11-2004, 10:23 AM
Yeah the botting takes awawy the purpose of the game u do runs all do but u arent doing them and u get all the stuff free. The purpose of the game is to make ur char better but when u have a bot it does it like automatically all u gotta do is get rushed and level the char. BOt Suks

08-11-2004, 09:13 PM
(note: this prob should've gone in flame wars even if u don't want any hostility, just seems by the title that it should go there.)changed title...

08-12-2004, 12:43 AM
...well I on the other hand approve of boting n u can flame me all you want, but im sure at least half of d2 community or even more , bots. And hey, this is a hack/bot site so, what the heck, its there anyway.

08-12-2004, 12:54 AM
i think bots are cool and all just not on ladder... cant ever catch up to the ppl who bot. only because ppl in my family need the computer. and bots now cause us to get realm down if we do the runs too fast.... when we're not botting

08-12-2004, 03:25 AM
bots are exciting,, either u got good stuffs or u got banned, if u wna have some life other than diablo then use bots... i just hate ppl who got mad when they where banned cuz of using bots...

08-14-2004, 11:03 AM
i agree bots = bad

08-14-2004, 11:25 AM
Id bot if there wasent a risk of looseing my acc and cd key i botted untill about 5 days ago, but the econemy is kinda run on them no one would be as rich as they are without bots even if you dont bot im sure some of the items u traded for were found with a bot

08-16-2004, 12:54 PM
i enjoy posting these and seeing how stupid people can be..... make me laugh... and they changed the title of my thread thats about gay i think botting sucks.... not isnt good.... *cough* gay i think there is something called freedom of speech and ill use it here.... im not posting anymore so i dont care if u ban me lol...... **** YOU AND **** YOUR BOT AND **** YOUR FAMILY AND **** YOUR CATS AND DOGS AND **** A TREE AND ****A TURTLE AND **** A FROG **** YOURSELF AND **** A NUT YOU DIRTY PILE OF SHIT I HOPE YOU ALL DIE PAINFULLY

08-16-2004, 12:59 PM
You sound like you're 10.

08-16-2004, 01:03 PM
according to his profile, hes 18. like i said before, it looks like this thread should be moved to the flame wars cause i think his purpose of this thread was to flame botting.

08-18-2004, 11:49 AM
**** you dirty piece of shit ill kill your family i hope your grandpa dies of AIDS and ill kill you and make your parents watch you fat waste of space i swear to god your worthless