"2. If my botter takes too long killing baal, he leaves and goes to the next game. How do I get it to stop doing that? moving on the next game.. as in ending the current game and creating a new one?" you can set the max time allowed to stay in the current game by editing this value in your character.ntl file found in D2NT172_NTBot36\D2NT\scripts\libs\config me.maxgametime = 800; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite) "3. My pickit ...
Updated 03-01-2010 at 03:14 PM by The Mob
Changing Baal bot Messages Originally Posted by The Mob edit NTBaal.ntj found in D2NT172_NTBot36\D2NT\scripts\bots the lines that you are looking for are highlighted below if(NTConfig_PublicMode) { NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 15116, 5068); NTC_PingDelay(1000); if(NTA_ClearPosition()) NTSI_PickItems(); NTM_MoveTo(me.areaid, 15116, 5068); NTM_MakeTP(); Say("TP ...
so im going to start compiling all of my D2NT responses into a central location. hopefully that will make finding info easier
Updated 03-01-2010 at 03:13 PM by The Mob
Originally Posted by The Mob the file that you need to edit is called uniques.nip found under D2NT\scripts\settings follow the format of the higher uniques. for example, shako is picked up this way. Name = Shako : Quality = Unique ; Harlequin Crest if you want to pick up tarnhelm, the helm that gives you plus one to all skills, you would type this Name = Skull Cap : Quality = Unique ; Tarnhelm or The Spirit Shroud Ghost Armor... Name = Ghost Armor ...
Updated 03-01-2010 at 03:15 PM by The Mob