Conversation Between Mathalamus and Pamela

7 Visitor Messages

  1. ah so basically you are restoring people to their old positions whenever convenient. alright.
  2. Ma'am, I really hate to say this but... Whats your reason to making tap a supermod? sorry, but assigning positions willy-nilly to me seems corrupt to me.
  3. you seem to be an administrator. i wasnt around when that happend, nor can i find a thread about it., but congratulations. *does a little bow*

    jedi also seems to be an admin.
  4. Pamela have you mistaken me for someone? you posted that skidude is banned and you deleted all of someones posts...
  5. Taken care of...other than Admins only I can remove posts. His are deleted and Skidude permabanned. Soft delets are ugly.
  6. since you nail a lot of people to walls, espically me should i provide a hammer?
  7. Good luck on that...I will nail your ass to the wall...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7