Downloads: D2NT 3.0 and NTBot 4.1

D2NT 3.0 and NTBot 4.1

Uploaded by Luke - 04-05-2010
Author Author Unknown
File Size File Size 919.8 KB
Downloads Downloads 70,789
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D2NT for Diablo II 1.13c

D2NT.dll : Core + SpiderMonkey 1.8 RC1 + NSPR 4.8.4
D2NT Manager.exe : D2NT OOG Manager
D2NT ManagerKOR.dll : Korean MUI
D2NT ManagerLOC.dll : English MUI

1. Copy D2NT files to any folder (DO NOT COPY to Diablo II folder or Diablo II's sub-folder)
2. Run D2NT Manager.exe

To add essence's to your bots pickit for D2NT 3.0

Go to :

....\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs\...\normal.NI P
and put the fallowing pickit for essences :

/ / ########################## ##### Essences######
[Numele] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
[Numele] == ChargedEssenceOfHatred
[Numele] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
[Numele] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
Save file

Go to :

Find this line :

_NTIPAliasClassID ["Std"] = 653; _NTIPAliasClassID ["standardofheroes"] = 653;
Then add these lines after that :
_NTIPAliasClassID ["te1"] = 654; _NTIPAliasClassID ["twistedessenceofsuffering"] = 654;
_NTIPAliasClassID ["te2"] = 655; _NTIPAliasClassID ["chargedessenceofhatred"] = 655;
_NTIPAliasClassID ["te3"] = 656; _NTIPAliasClassID ["burningessenceofterror"] = 656;
_NTIPAliasClassID ["te4"] = 657; _NTIPAliasClassID ["festeringessenceofdestruction"] = 657;
Save file

[D2NT Core]

3.0 - Added unit.GetOptimalAttackPos(area_id, target_x, target_y, search_range, collision_mask) function
Added unit.gid type to GetUnit(unittype, [classid,name,gid]) function
Added control.pressed
Added item.itemflag, item.itemprefix, item.itemsuffix
* In case, item type is magic or runeword
Improved item.itemdesc
Changed unit.spectype value
* 0x01 : All
* 0x02 : Super Unique
* 0x04 : Champion
* 0x08 : Boss
* 0x10 : Minion
Changed unit.gid type to double
Removed item.GetFlag() function
Removed item.runeword

2.1 - Added me.GetSkillStatus(skillid) function
* 0 : available skill, 6 : aura skill, 8 : unavailable skill (casting delay or etc)
Added unit.GetRoom() function
* get unit's current room
Added chicken/hostile log
Fixed unit.GetStat(92) (Item's level requirement)

2.0.1 - Fixed me.TakeWaypoint() function (D2 original)
Fixed me.ClickItem() function (for Store-item)
* Now you can make Shopbot script

2.0 - Rewrote me.TakeWaypoint() function
Improved GetBaseStat() function's performance
Fixed unit.GetStat(31)
* GetStat(31) : Total defense
* GetStat(31, 0) : Plus defense

1.9.1 - If unittype is object, unit.GetParent() will return parent's name
Fixed crash bug in fullscreen

1.9 - Added unit.subareaid
Added presetunit.areaid and presetunit.subareaid
Added sdk\quests.txt
Improved GetPath() and GetPresetUnits() function's stability
Now Include() function's rootpath is "scripts" folder

1.8.5 - Fixed me.ClickItem() function (for SubmitItem())
Fixed Say() function in game

1.8.4 - Added SubmitItem() function (Imbue, Orifice, Add Sockets)
* Item must be on cursor
Fixed crash bug when calling GetPath() function
Fixed Say() function in channel
Improved GetBaseStat() function's performance
Updated sdk\uiflag.txt information

1.8.3 - Supported ANSI/UTF-8/Unicode script
Show correct Tal Rasha's tomb on automap
Fixed wrong stash position in me.ClickItem() function (D2 original)
Fixed unit.itemloc in case of equipped item

1.8.2 - Fixed crazy esc key

1.8.1 - Added me.revealautomap, me.showenemyonautomap, me.showmissileonautomap variables;
Fixed crash bug when using maphack
Fixed bug that displayed invalid unit on automap
Fixed ClickMap() function
Removed RevealAutoMap() function
Removed ShowUnitOnAutomap() function

1.8 - Added RevealAutoMap() function
Added SetStatusText() function
Added ShowUnitOnAutomap() function
Added unit.IsAttackable() function
Changed Cancel() function (0 : Cancel current menu, 1 : Cancel all menu)
Rewrote ClickMap(), Say(), Transmute() functions
Rewrote me.ClickItem(), me.ClickMercItem(), me.Repair(), me.SwapWeapons() functions
Removed me.ShopItem() function. use me.ClickItem()
Removed JS32.dll. D2NT.dll included SpiderMonkey 1.8 RC1 and NSPR 4.8

1.7.2 - Added me.maxgametime (default value is 0 and 0 is infinite)

1.7.1 - Added me.charloc
Fixed multi-client when using one D2 copy

1.7 - Added unit.shrinetype (see sdk/shrines.txt)
Improved ClickMap() function
Removed SetStatusText() function
Removed me.windowtitle
Hook no longer D2's functions

1.6 - Improved GetPath() function (applied A* algorithm)
Fixed crash bug when game is terminated by user
Fixed unit.itemdesc

1.5 - Updated SpiderMonkey 1.8
Added unit.itemdesc
Fixed bug that can't access unicode folder and file
Changed unit.ilvl to unit.itemlevel

1.4 - Added GetBaseStat() function
Fixed unit.GetNext() function
Fixed me.quitonhostile
Changed parameter of me.TakeWaypoint() function

1.3 - Added unit.itemclass (0 : normal, 1 : exceptional, 2 : elite)
Fixed me.UseBelt() function completely
Fixed bug that get wrong character's key file

1.2 - Fixed unit.GetMerc() function
Fixed me.UseBelt() function
Improved IPC

1.1 - Fixed NSPR error under Windows XP

1.0 - Initial release

[D2NT Manager]

3.0 - Improved item log tooltip
* Even if imagine what, is going to see more than it
Changed [Entry Point] control

2.0 - Added item log

1.9 - Added Up/Down button for List control

1.8 - Hide D2NT.dll in D2 process

1.7 - Removed IsHungAppWindow() function when checking D2 Window

1.6 - Rebuild all source code (Changed from MFC to Win32)
Added [Entry Point] option in Profile
* You can change starter script. ex) NTBot.ntj(Bot script), NTMap.ntj(Maphack script)
* If you want to use Loader only, empty a option

1.5 - Removed 30 mins time limit (In fact it was protection for in-game bug)
Improved IPC

1.4 - Use no longer D2Loader.exe (Now use D2's Game.exe)
Added play type (single player / closed

1.3 - Fixed bug that can't close error window sometimes

1.2 - Increased loader options buffer (64 -> 96)

1.1 - Added Chickens information
Improved IPC

1.0 - Initial release


04-06-2010 at 02:19 AM
Can you give a different link to download?
Whenever i download it pops up as a Firefox file and is a bunch of coding shit that isnt like when you run a compressed file.
04-06-2010 at 07:21 AM
Whenever my merc dies (which is all the time because the bot thinks my sorc is a tank and teles into the biggest group of mosnters possible and stands there) the skills buttons turn red and my sorc just stands there, does nothing until she dies or chickens. help would be appreciated :)
04-06-2010 at 10:50 AM
how i change config i add ; or // im lost :0 thx for reply
04-07-2010 at 12:17 PM
I love this bot! Used the previous version for a few months and never got banned. Also to commandersmiley, use // to disable or remove them to enable an option. I'm really glad they added barb and zon bots too. I just gotta find the right script for them. Keep up the good work with the bot.
04-07-2010 at 02:19 PM
Hey I have a little problem, whenever the bot clicks "" it says : "The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417) occurred in the application at location 0x10090a02. Click on OK to terminate the program"

If anyone could tell me my problem and is willing to helm me fix it, please send a reply.

04-07-2010 at 02:46 PM
Hey I have a little problem, whenever the bot clicks "" it says : "The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417) occurred in the application at location 0x10090a02. Click on OK to terminate the program"

If anyone could tell me my problem and is willing to helm me fix it, please send a reply.

04-07-2010 at 10:52 PM
thx VoodooHamma for respond me ^^
04-07-2010 at 11:02 PM
Hi! I have little problem, Im new bot user and I think my bot dont pick items from bosses, what is problem??
04-09-2010 at 06:30 AM
hello ... the bot works. how to decide the places he should visit?
04-09-2010 at 06:30 AM
please help me
04-09-2010 at 05:06 PM
hey to who ever is concerned i need help with the bot i got it to get into a game. but it says i need to set the ntbotgmae config load or something along those lines.. iso help on what that is/ means
04-10-2010 at 02:33 AM
I run my bot and it says.. " <D2NT Error.> C:\User\Owner\Documents\Downloads\D2NT30_D2NT41\D2 NT\scripts\NTBot\Char_Configs\NTConfig_Paladin_God s_messanger.nlt (11): ReferenceError: True is not defined "

What does that mean??

It goes into game then says that.
04-10-2010 at 05:20 AM
Where would be the correct place to post about things that could improve this bot? I have been watching it now for 3 days and I have noticed a few things that I would like to change but I dont know how to right scripts for bots. So if anyone could help me out I would be much appriciated.
04-10-2010 at 07:54 AM
ur bot does not work 2 things in it when i try to decompress it with winzip it says that coldworm.exe and treehead.exe are corrupt files and it wont let me open the zip files
04-11-2010 at 05:24 AM
"ur bot does not work 2 things in it when i try to decompress it with winzip it says that coldworm.exe and treehead.exe are corrupt files and it wont let me open the zip files"

same thing for me i have tried installing the bot anyways and everytime it runs then it clicks "" it gets crashed like a debug or something
04-12-2010 at 05:34 AM
this bot can take runes? if yes how can i do that ??
04-12-2010 at 07:21 AM
how do i make the bot pick up runes????? like ort and stuff
04-12-2010 at 09:45 AM
how do i get mine to stash shit?? he just picks stuff up, identifys then sells..
04-12-2010 at 04:58 PM
does it safe bot?
04-13-2010 at 09:49 AM
bot works well but ive noticed a few problems with it when it goes to craft an item like a perfect ruby instead of putting it in stash it drops it on ground most the time and it doesnt even keep plain skill gcs just identifys em then sells em to a npc i used the nt bot for 1.12 and both bots vary by alot most the script commands aren't the same
04-15-2010 at 06:23 AM
Some people say that this bot is not safe from now on ! ! ! but i don't know if it's real !
04-17-2010 at 05:47 AM
When I download the file.. it stops at 50% and says a fail in download.. :b
04-17-2010 at 08:37 AM
set my bot to do public chaos for not even 45 minutes. come back AND MY ****ING AP ENGIMA AND 5/5/1 CTA ARE GONE WHAT THE **** WHERE IS MY SHIT?
04-17-2010 at 10:14 AM
what am i supposed to unzip this with win rar wont work...
04-18-2010 at 04:11 AM
i think the file might be corrupt because its giving me errors when extracting the files
04-18-2010 at 10:06 AM
bot have to configure to actually know what to keep, if enigma and cta r in inventory, the bot will throw it away
04-18-2010 at 10:21 PM
Yeah i used D2NT in 1.12 and just got done setting this one up and its great!! i love it all over again!! (sadly i can only run norm games atm but still lol HC first char = lvl 70 lite sorc poop gear) i love the new add's there great and make ur runs more defined and a lil advice to all whos having issues remember that u have to rename the config file ur own chars name and to leave the type char also it has to look like this NTConfig_Sorceress_Charnamehere also if its ur first time be sure to tell a friend first and have the join ur game asap INCASE THE BOT DROPS YOUR ITEMS. no pun intended...
04-20-2010 at 03:15 PM
watch out, blizzard started to close ids with this bot.
04-21-2010 at 04:35 AM
it appears that people used bot with mh is getting banned.
04-21-2010 at 05:04 AM
i am still having problem like it wont let d2 connect to battle net it close it before it even connect with the error like the one with patch 12 when new patch came out can someone help me