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Upgraded Site to VB4

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The site has been upgraded to vBulletin suite v4, which includes a CMS and Blogs. You will find that some of the custom addons we had are now gone, but will return with time.
My aim is to get this site back on its feet and active like it once was :) so if you have any ideas please let me know

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  1. Tap's Avatar
    not bad not bad :)
  2. Luke's Avatar
    Just need to get a new clean look >.<
  3. jedimaster86's Avatar
    Just need to make everything the way it was, for I am American, and I phear change.

    PS - So what can we do with this CMS thing? Is that some sort of Cartoonized Mechanical Spider?

    PSS - I expect everyone to keep a daily blog now. Yeh, I'm talking to you.
    Updated 12-05-2009 at 05:10 PM by jedimaster86
  4. Luke's Avatar
    Jedi, you can now perm-delete & soft delete.
  5. The Mob's Avatar
    i hope chat will be re enabled.
    and please keep all of the "newsdude" posts out of the "whats new"
    unless there is a filter, it is difficult to see actual new posts from members
  6. The Mob's Avatar
    oh and another thought just hit me.
    what about the privacy settings for blogs?
    i mean, sure, some people may want them viewable to the entire world, but others might only want members with a certain numbers of posts to see them.
  7. Luke's Avatar
    I'll look into that. Yea chat and everything will come back. Had an email saying VB4 will go GOLD/final release by Monday coming :) so shld be able to get everything back and running shortly after that.
  8. Luke's Avatar
    If you goto Blog Settings you can select who can see your blog. Only people on your contact list here etc etc. Hopefully Gold will fix the CMS issues so i can re-enable that >.<
  9. Pamela's Avatar
    Man this is like our first site with all the white.I want my graphite back!*shakes a fist*
  10. Luke's Avatar
    Next year maybe... It's a long time to wait not.