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  Mita's Hdin Guide
Posted by: Mythosis - 07-02-2012, 08:22 PM - Forum: Paladin - Replies (3)

Experienced build creator took a look at the Hdin style and decided...

Leveling a Hdin...
Hdins are good even at a low lvl, even with no items from other chars, as long as you wear resist equipment you find along the way.
Your lvl speed will pre-hammer depend on your offensive A2 mercenary. Soon after hammer you wont need the merc. Just light mana pots.
Stats: 70 str 1st, then 40 dex, then rest into vit. (you change this later)
Skills: Only use skill points in skills that are needed to get the end-skills. You will have unused skill points early on, keep them for synergies to hammer. Vigor is the better syn to dump into when you can. Get holy shield to lvl 5 asap, then return to dumping into hammer, then conc, then synergies.

A low end Hdin should have
Spirit swrd/shield
IK belt
warTravs/rare with mf-resist-runwalk
mf rings/amulet
(merc baredly matters at this point, but insight is nice)

Then work towards getting an enigma. After that, the rest of a typical build comes easy.
Hoto / Spirit
Maras / SoJ / SoJ
War Travs / Magefists
Pally Torch / Anni
(merc should have insight on good weapon and life leech + resists/def)
(at this point you can reset stats/skills to lower hardstats in str/dex and put into vit)

Next up, is going from typical build, to super build.
This is roughly what a top-end Hdin should look like:

[IMG][Image: hdinstats.th.png][/IMG]

[IMG][Image: hdinitems.th.png][/IMG]
Other socket ideas for helmet (preferably diadem) are, and in this order:
Zod (if ethreal)
Jah (5% max life -> 100 to 200 life bonus)
Ber(8% phys dmg reduce)
Sheal (20% FHR)
Lo (5% max L resist)
Ist (25% mf)
Cham (cannot be frozen)
Jewel with life/def/resist/mf, whatever combo you like.

I understand there is another pally shield with more block chance.
The other weapon set has:
Call To Arms = for shouts (they get +10 skill lvl from this build)
Spirit pally shield = allSkills applies to shouts.

Quick stats:
12k hammers, 134 FCR (max break point)
11.5k def, 15k with merc aura
1.8k life, 3.2kwith shouts
800 mana with shouts,
55 FHR (next bp is 86, 200) charms to get to 86 is good.
Resists in hell mode: F,75(+15) C75(+50), L 75(+50), P75(+50)
FBR 0. Its okay though, because def is so high you rarely get hit at all, and its usually blocked.

Bot Stats:
Baal tele time average: 2-4 seconds from waypoint.
All 5 act bosses mf run: 8-10 minutes.
If your bot is slower, its the script's fualt. =)
Dangerous mobs: CSanc MiddleSeal group, 3rd group if -arua, LightGhosts in A5, BoomyDolls(though not too bad)
Death rate in all boss runs about 1 out of 1000 runs. Less if you use higher chicken %'s then I do.
Average overnight finds: 1-2 high runes, 10-20 Pgems 10-20 jewels, 2-3 high end items or highly tradeable (like 4s mageplate/monarch or SoJ or tal amy/armor), full inventory of keys/essences if you go that route, 1-2 charms (sc or skiller)

Merc: (defence)
[IMG][Image: hdinmerc.th.png][/IMG]
He hasn't activated his 20% chilling armor yet =)
Fire resist lacks, but the helm is not ethreal or socketed (would add fire res jewel probably)
and the fortitude is 1k defense below what it should be

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  MasivB's D2NT Simple Unique PickIt
Posted by: masivb - 07-02-2012, 01:16 PM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - Replies (1)

I've noticed a lot of people saying stuff like, "my bot sells everything" or "my bot doesn't pick up anything"... Which is fairly true even with the normal unique.nip. So I made my own unique.nip which has some items added and also things removed. Basically my pickit will pick up the bare minimum requirements on any unique that is listed in the unique.nip which means for example, if I find a Dusk Shroud which is Ormus' Robes, and I identify it, no matter what the Passive Skill Masteries are, the bot will store the item. This is good if you are new to botting and don't have many items to trade in your mule stash, but as you progress you will want to not use this unique.nip because you will want to be looking for the best of the best. Anyway I hope this helps people, and if you like this, I can also add my magic_rare.nip and normal.nip for rares & socket items, which I think is more important.

Before you replace your unique.nip, make a backup of it by renaming it unique_backup.nip and just plop this into the folder without erasing any files. Also depending on which PickIt you are using, this should ONLY be used if you are using the normal one, meaning if you are using advanced, extreme, or master, do not bother using this PickIt.

//*****************           MASIVB'S SIMPLE UNIQUE PICKIT    *************************
//******************            HELMETS            *************************
//******************      HELMET: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE'S         *************************
[Name] == GrandCrown && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 160
//[Name] == GrimHelm && [Quality] == unique # [LifeLeech] >= 6 && [ManaLeech] >= 6
//******************         HELMET: ELITE UNIQUE'S        *************************
//[Name] == Shako && [Quality] == unique # [Defense] >= 98
//[Name] == SpiredHelm && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90 && [PassiveColdMastery] >= 8
[Name] == SpiredHelm && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90 && [PassiveColdMastery] >= 15
[Name] == Demonhead && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 100 && [LifeLeech] >= 8 && [Strength] >= 25
[Name] == Corona && [Quality] == unique # [PlusDefense] >= 100 && [Sockets] >= 1
[Name] == BoneVisage && [Quality] == unique # [PlusDefense] >= 250 && [Strength] >= 25 && [Sockets] >= 1
//******************           HELMET: CLASS UNIQUE'S        *************************
//******************               BARBARIAN        *************************
//[Name] == SlayerGuard && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == FuryVisor && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 120 && [Strength] >= 8 && [Dexterity] >= 8 && [Vitality] >= 8
[Name] == DestroyerHelm && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 120 && [LifeLeech] >= 3
[Name] == ConquerorCrown && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 140
//******************            DRUID            *************************
//[Name] == TotemicMask && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == BloodSpirit && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 130
[Name] == SkySpirit && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 120 && [Energy] >= 20
[Name] == EarthSpirit && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 170
//******************            ARMOR             *************************
//******************         ARMOR: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE'S      *************************
//[Name] == GhostArmor && [Quality] == unique # [DamageResist] >= 7
//[Name] == SerpentskinArmor && [Quality] == unique
//[Name] == MeshArmor && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 180
//[Name] == RussetArmor && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 160
//[Name] == MagePlate && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 140
[Name] == TemplarCoat && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 180
//[Name] == OrnatePlate && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//******************           ARMOR: ELITE UNIQUE'S           *************************
[Name] == DuskShroud && [Quality] == unique # [PlusDefense] >= 10
//[Name] == BalrogSkin && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
[Name] == KrakenShell && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 170
[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 170 && [Vitality] >= 10
[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 120
//******************            SHIELDS                *************************
//******************        SHIELDS: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE        *************************
//[Name] == Defender && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 100
//[Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 80
//******************           SHIELDS: ELITE UNIQUE        *************************
//[Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == unique # [Defense] >= 3
//[Name] == Aegis && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//******************        SHIELDS: CLASS UNIQUE            *************************
//******************            PALADIN                *************************
//[Name] == SacredRondache && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 180
[Name] == GildedShield && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == ZakarumShield && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 170
//******************            GLOVES                *************************
//******************           GLOVES: NORMAL UNIQUE            *************************
//[Name] == ChainGloves && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 20 && [MagicFind] >= 25
[Name] == ChainGloves && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 20 && [MagicFind] >= 40
//[Name] == LightGauntlets && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 20
//[Name] == Gauntlets && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 10
//******************          GLOVES: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE        *************************
//[Name] == DemonhideGloves && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 130
[Name] == BattleGauntlets && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == WarGauntlets && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//******************        GLOVES: ELITE UNIQUE            *************************
[Name] == VampireboneGloves && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90
[Name] == Vambraces && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90
[Name] == OrgeGauntlets && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 30
//******************            BOOTS            *************************
//******************        BOOTS: NORMAL UNIQUE        *************************
//[Name] == LightPlatedBoots && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 50
//[Name] == Greaves && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 60
//******************        BOOTS: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE    *************************
[Name] == BattleBoots && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == WarBoots && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 160
//******************        BOOTS: ELITE UNIQUE        *************************
[Name] == ScarabshellBoots && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 140
//******************            BELTS            *************************
//******************        BELTS: NORMAL UNIQUE        *************************
//[Name] == HeavyBelt && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 40
//******************        BELTS: EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE    *************************
//[Name] == DemonhideSash && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 150
//[Name] == BattleBelt && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 130
//******************        BELTS: ELITE UNIQUE        *************************
[Name] == SpidewebSash && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90
//[Name] == VampirefangBelt && [Quality] == unique # [LifeLeech] >= 5
[Name] == MithrilCoil && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDefense] >= 90
//******************            ORBS            *************************
//[Name] == SwirlingCrystal && [Quality] == unique
[Name] == EldritchOrb && [Quality] == unique # [Energy] >= 20
[Name] == DimensionalShard && [Quality] == unique # [PassiveColdSkill] >= 15
//*******************                  CIRCLETS                 *************************
[Name] == Diadem && [Quality] == unique # [Defense] >= 90
//*******************                   WEAPONS                 *************************
//*******************             WEAPONS: SWORDS               *************************
[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDamage] >= 150
//*******************               WEAPONS: AXES               *************************
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == unique # [EnhancedDamage] >= 230
//*******************                   AMULET                  *************************
//[Name] == Amulet && [Quality] == unique # [HPRegen] == 10
[Name] == Amulet && [Quality] == unique # [LightResist] == 35
[Name] == Amulet && [Quality] == unique # [ColdResist] >= 20
//[Name] == Amulet && [Quality] == unique # [DefensiveAurasSkillTab] >= 1
//******************            RINGS            *************************
//[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ItemMagicBonus] >= 25
[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [ItemMaxManaPercent] == 25
[Type] == ring && [Quality] == unique # [LifeLeech] == 3
//******************            CHARMS            *************************
[Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == unique # [ItemMagicBonus] >= 20
//******************            JEWELS            *************************
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == unique # [PassiveFireMastery]+[PassiveFirePierce] >= 3
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == unique # [PassiveLtngMastery]+[PassiveLtngPierce] >= 3
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == unique # [PassiveColdMastery]+[PassiveColdPierce] >= 3
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == unique # [PassivePoisMastery]+[PassivePoisPierce] >= 3

If you have any problems let me know. I haven't run into any errors on my end, have been using it for awhile now and it runs flawlessly. I've tried to list the items as simple as possible so you can adjust the gauge of uniqueness as you attain more items on your mule stash.

Edit: I forgot to mention I've commented out some items. Just remove those if you want those items picked up. This was taken straight out of my D2NT folder that's why there commented out.

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  What happened to [Mita] bot?
Posted by: Mythosis - 07-01-2012, 07:20 PM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - Replies (2)

From what I gather, a patch came out that made the old D2NT (3.1 I think) detectable, and no one decided to to patch my bot up to date. I went on my old release forum and they are using a bot pack with waaaaaaaaay less tinkered. Anyway, I'm just curious, since I know at one point it was super famous. (google "d2nt mita" and check download counts Smile )
I'm not saying I want to find it anymore. I just want to know why it died out.

Why would I be interested? ...
Let this be a lessen to backup data on a seperate drive. Its been probably 2-3 years since I stopped working on my old bot. A hard-drive crash wiped out my 6 months of work that was due to release literally then next day. I had written well over 10,000 lines of coding, doubling the pack size, completely rewrote the "run script" process for bosses to include just about everything, do it smartly or hardforce the order, and made everywhere in the game (except for Uber zones) completely able to travel to by saying go to [area]. It supported rushing abilities, traveling took the quickest path possible (based on tele-vs-walk, FCR, waypoints) and some areas no longer needed tele-only. You could litterally go from lvl 1 to 99 without having to gain a lvl manually, ever. Although you still had to manually switch difficulties and suit up. I've only just got back into diablo like, yesterday. Then I read like its a "new" feature that a bot has essences added into already. Seriously? Wtf happened?

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  A question about Monster Identification
Posted by: 48Inches - 06-30-2012, 03:51 PM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - Replies (4)

Hi there,

I saw some bot which has "Mobs identification" before they open up a TP at Throne. It's awesome and I tried finding guides to it but to no avail. Scenario is as follow;
"Tp is up but careful!"
"4x Doom Knight"
"5x Venom Lord"
"7x Burning Lord" and etc . . It's an additional info which I find it useful, any ideas on how I could achieve it?

Also I notice that my

        Say("Next game");

    NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "SCRIPT_END");
Perhaps I would like it to advertise in a way it shows the game name with an increment of numbers every time for example Next game is KaosBaalz-01(First game), Next game is KaosBaalz-02 and etc. Is it possible?

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  RMAH: Have YOU made any money?
Posted by: Obfuscate - 06-28-2012, 01:18 PM - Forum: Diablo III Trading/Selling - Replies (2)

Pretty simple folks has anyone here actually made cold hard cash selling on the RMAH?

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  Netload Premium Account Raffle.
Posted by: Spitfire - 06-28-2012, 11:35 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

A new raffle is up! Enter now for your chance to win a 30 Day Netload.in Premium account.

Netload Premium 30days

[Image: netload.png]

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  Act 2 Red Portals?
Posted by: masivb - 06-27-2012, 07:22 PM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - Replies (2)

Hi, I am using Etal V7 and was wondering if anyone could make a script similar to the Mephisto script where you use the red portal instead of a TP. In Act 2 when you kill the Summoner you can read the book and open a red portal to the Canyon, then when you kill Duriel you can talk to Tyrael and he creates a red portal... Is this script possible?

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  Nooby D2NT Questions
Posted by: Kieran Wilson - 06-25-2012, 04:35 PM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - No Replies

Sorry i imagine these have probably been beaten to death as they seem common, what i would like is:

to have my items identified in the field (which i have enabled) but it is not actually identifying them, instead waits til boss dies and identifies at merchant
ideally, after each fight, if a possible item is found, identifies it, if its good, it will keep it, if not, it will drop it (but preferrably only above a certain amount of gold)
It pains me each time my invt is full before diablo or baal is even reached

I have heard of necro summoning scripts, where first they go to pindleskin, raise their army before going off and doing the rounds, does anybody have a copy of such a thing?

I believe both have been done before or i wouldnt ask for so much, but a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated =]

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  looking for d2 classic mf sorc bot
Posted by: losturpixels - 06-24-2012, 07:30 AM - Forum: Hacks Bots and Editors - Replies (1)

looking for a d2 classic mf or glitcher sorc bot.

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  Password Change Request
Posted by: Karant2 - 06-23-2012, 09:06 AM - Forum: Help and Suggestions! - Replies (2)

Ez D2S fam,

I forgot the password to my Karant account (registered in April 2004) and for some strange reason none of my recovery e-mails appear to valid... Can an admin please reset my password for me? PM me or whatevs to confirm my ID, I figured it'd be all cool as I know most of you cats from back inna the day. Thanks for your time,

also link up on D3, Karant#1211

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