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Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Printable Version

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Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-06-2007

Giving away a complete Trap Sin away.
For freeee
Sin torch anni Infinity all of it.
200+ posts
being pretty active.
and I will do this by Scavanger hunt
Ima create a game Some time today drop all my stuff in different places all over the Game and just leave what ever you find you keep
there can be 7 players doing this
so Sign up NOW ima do this Today/Tomorrow
Today around 8 ( cali time)
1 Ragnarox-xxt
2 Divine ( teh grafix mod)
3 Tool
4 kool aide dude
5 mob
6 dan
7 warrior or d2

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ragnarhox - 03-06-2007

I'll do it...I guess. lol

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-06-2007

Oh yeah if your the only one who does it ill just toss the items at you Im not gonna have you tele around lookin for shit

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - SilverTears - 03-06-2007

Eh. ill try it out

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - John - 03-06-2007

i have been wanting to make a trap assassin, but i dont have much luck with scavanger hunts

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Tool - 03-06-2007


Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-06-2007

Oh yeah all thisshit is legit by the way Smile

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Koolaid_dude - 03-07-2007

Edit: just looked at guessed i missed it
sure ill join

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-07-2007

nono ima do it once i get like 7 people Smile

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - The Mob - 03-07-2007

add me please
when you mean all over the game.. you mean it could be in an obscure cave in some random act?

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Dan - 03-07-2007

me plz, but can you do it thursday?

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-07-2007

it can be in den it can be in catacombs.. it gonna be in hell ima need like 10 mins to drop all the items in different places Big Grin
So yah be ready and make sure you dont have torch or anni on you Big Grin

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - The Mob - 03-07-2007

lol wow....
will you at least give hints? d2 is a pretty big place Sad

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-08-2007

No hints...
and these are pretty expensive items...
and there high in stats
and legit..
so no hints for you

ok sinec people are lazy to sign up and get gfg gear for free ima just split it between u fellas.

no more sign ups u missed out to bad for u.

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - BewarethePhoenix - 03-08-2007

LOL, I leave for a day or three and this happens. Oh well, better luck next time I guess.

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - John - 03-08-2007

was i signed up, i mentioned entering in my previous post

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-08-2007

nope His your not invited sorry mate.

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - John - 03-08-2007

you never added my name, but i clearly signed up

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - Ares - 03-08-2007

I beilive these are my items?
I can do what I want with them?

Us East Ladda Freeeeee - John - 03-08-2007

you got kicked out of op probaal LOL pwned