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Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - Printable Version

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Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - elterion - 07-23-2004

This is my new temporary sig until contest is done.

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

thats godly

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - logic. - 07-23-2004

its "l33t"

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - elterion - 07-23-2004

Mebbe I should submit it Big Grin

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

too late now
we've already seen it

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - elterion - 07-23-2004

Aww... damnit. o well.

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

i might steal that sig

*right click save*

*wink wink*

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - Tool - 07-23-2004

Rate mine. I was told by some it's good, others it's bad.

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

its good aside from the fact that i dont like metalica

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - laMe - 07-23-2004

blacksabbath you are ****ing dumbshit i have seen the person with that sig on other forums and you are not the same person, you ****ing moron that is theft now take it off

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

thats harsh

had it coming tho

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - laMe - 07-23-2004

it is not ****ing harsh he stole a signature

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - logic. - 07-23-2004

how do u know he is not the same person
he might be using different names...

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - laMe - 07-23-2004
under the orignal owners it says useast

under blacksabbaths it says uswest

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - logic. - 07-23-2004

but i gotta admit dat name doesnt go with the sig

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - laMe - 07-23-2004

he should be banned

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - logic. - 07-23-2004

banned for stealing sigs??

Heyman look at this

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

this is getting deep

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - laMe - 07-23-2004

okay maybe your right if youre right i completly aplogize and ill feel bad

but he also had to change clans..

Signature Showoff/Rating Thread - defaultstring2 - 07-23-2004

now give him the rating for teh sig...