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Things that make you Crabby! - Printable Version

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Things that make you Crabby! - chersweetness - 09-08-2006

When gas prices go up instead of down.

When a guy is checking out a girl and says, "I'd hit that", especially when its pretty clear that him "hitting that" probably would never be an option.

Parents who don't parent.

People who think being a virgin after the age of 21 means the person is either ugly, a prude, or that no one wants them.

People who think that a girl who has had multiple sex partners over time means she is "easy".

People who think that a guy who has had several sex parners this week means he is "cool"

Email and/or thread posts that are typed in all CAPS.

People who honk their horn when it is obvious the car infront of them cannot move.

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 09-08-2006

When refuse to let the cops search your car so they get a warrant and a canine unit.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 09-10-2006

Having to re-log in everytime the freaking power goes out.
The power going out at all.
Too much frozen food versus too little freezer space.
And again.
Shopping at a busy Walmart ,and nearly being mowed down in the meat section.
By a kid.
Mom no where to be found of course.
Wanting to just get your stuff and check out.
Seeing all the check out lines backed up for (seemingly) miles.
Wondering if you can just make it thru for a few days with no Toilet paper,and subsist on soup.
Actually considering this in a serious manner.

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 09-10-2006

When someone gets in the passing lane and doesnt pass but rather just stays next to the car they originally intended on passing..... And the one day you forgot to bring your gun.

Things that make you Crabby! - PoTatoes - 09-11-2006

when you just noticed last week was summer break..

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 09-11-2006

Staying up all night helping people,and having to wake up three hours later.
Your grogginess well eveidenced inyour typing and slow thought process.
Walking into a room and forgeting why you went in there.
Remembering why 10 minutes later,but you are already in the middle of something else.
Wrong numbers at 2 A.M.
Wrong numbers at 2 A.M. in a language you are not fluent in.
Knowing just enough to realize you were insulted.

Things that make you Crabby! - Blue - 09-12-2006

not being able to go on a computer for 5 days cause its your moms weak
having your moms compter broken for a long ass time.
oh and pamela, a while back you said stuff about mn talking to your breasts.
Were you showing massive cleavage?
if you reduce that and wear more shirt then that might solve your problem. Either that or you're gifted and theres nothing you can do about it aside from getting plastic surgery to reduce them. Remember dont tease men, and if you do, expect them to stair at you

Things that make you Crabby! - UberMF - 09-12-2006

-Burnt steak.
-The waitress(at a bar) that ignores the Designated drivers orders.
-No toilet paper in a public bathroom.
-Warm beer.

Things that make you Crabby! - Blue - 09-12-2006

waitress that ignores every1 at a table, but the birthday person
under cooked steak

Things that make you Crabby! - PoTatoes - 09-12-2006

waking up late for school/work

Things that make you Crabby! - UberMF - 09-12-2006

Waking up late for school/work, and realizing they closed... (its happened to me before!)

-Sore neck.

Things that make you Crabby! - PoTatoes - 09-12-2006

drinking someone elses drink and noticing it and then people start staring at you -.-

Things that make you Crabby! - Nex - 09-12-2006

lol when you get an erection at a very inapropiate moment when ur in a group of people and you get one for no reason a.k.a the nrb

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 09-13-2006

Lol I did that in court one time.... All I had to say was "Justice gets me exited".

Hypocritcal people that accuse you of something when they do the same thing.

Things that make you Crabby! - Blue - 09-13-2006

movies that show spooning
having the thought of getting an erection while spooning
(i have nver spooned)

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 09-13-2006


Things that make you Crabby! - Blue - 09-13-2006

bigdeath Wrote:suuuurrrrreee

why u dont believe me?
people who dont believe me piss me off

Things that make you Crabby! - xDBD - 09-13-2006

thihgs that make me crabby: when idiots here pretend to know the answer to things that they have absolutely no idea about or anything close thereof and swear they're right, simply because the topic is out of the norm.

go die, go die and rot in hell. one day when i meet you in hell, i'm going to laugh in your faces and ask you where your christianity got you now.

ps, i'm super tanked. what's new? will regret this pos tin the morning

Things that make you Crabby! - Blue - 09-13-2006

xDBD Wrote:thihgs that make me crabby: when idiots here pretend to know the answer to things that they have absolutely no idea about or anything close thereof and swear they're right, simply because the topic is out of the norm.

go die, go die and rot in hell. one day when i meet you in hell, i'm going to laugh in your faces and ask you where your christianity got you now.

ps, i'm super tanked. what's new? will regret this pos tin the morning

cry more, please.
you're really sad.

people that irratate me are people that are sad.
people that try to keep up scams even thou the jokes is done and exposed.
people that will complain at my post just because they have to have the last say in things.

(im hoping by saying that last thing that i dont read annoying things over and over again saying what he did before)

Things that make you Crabby! - PoTatoes - 09-13-2006

xDBD Wrote:thihgs that make me crabby: when idiots here pretend to know the answer to things that they have absolutely no idea about or anything close thereof and swear they're right, simply because the topic is out of the norm.

go die, go die and rot in hell. one day when i meet you in hell, i'm going to laugh in your faces and ask you where your christianity got you now.

ps, i'm super tanked. what's new? will regret this pos tin the morning mean those dudes who tell you if you dont go to church your going straight to hell?