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My Bar - kitten_klyd - 10-23-2007

~comes back from the grave (EI: My father and mother) then uses his powers to steal bluebleeder's soul.~

~Puts blue's soul in jar and gives it to pam.~

My Bar - Blue - 10-25-2007

kitten_klyd Wrote:~comes back from the grave (EI: My father and mother) then uses his powers to steal bluebleeder's soul.~

~Puts blue's soul in jar and gives it to pam.~

*watches in a zombie like statement as the kitten that never died come back from the dead*
*Goes up to Pam in a zombie like trace and starts clawing at my mom*
*knocks the jar that has my soul in it on the ground and as it breaks on the floor, my soul flies back in me*
"woah, what was I doing? Doesn't matter, hey kitten, how are you?"

My Bar - Pamela - 10-26-2007

*Pamela watches the antics with amusement in her eyes*
*With a smile for her son,and a quick petting for her cat,she walks lightly to her office,to see if Venom has finished paying the Bars employees*

*Upon closing the door,she finds him fast asleep,his head laid on his desk,and strange mumbling noises*

*Spying an oddly written note,sitting atop her own desk,Pamela seats herself,tossing her braid absently,and reads*

My Bar - Z3R0 - 10-27-2007

-Inside the bar, the lights start to flicker and glass and patrons alike bounce as the only noise hear is a constant *thump *thump* *thump*. Finaly the thumping stops and the lights dim very low. The door creaks open slowly to reveal a great mass centered in it's ancient frame. Stooping down to avoid the top of the doorjamb, Zero enters My Bar after a very long absense. Inhaling deeply and drawing himself up to his full height, an intimidating seven foot and three inches, he snaps his fingers and the lights return to normal and the door closes, revealing a man much aged by the ways of war and life. Profound wisdom shines in his eyes and his long, flowing beard and hair have turned silver. On his back is strapped the massive Sword of Angels, and on his chest, hanging from his neck on a thick silver chain is the Eye of Amaraz.

"What, having a party and forget about ole' Zero?"

Laughing happily he greets some of those he remembers from the old days and seats himself at the biggest table, unstraping his belt and leaning it against the wall beside him, well within arms reach.

"Steward, a pint of your thickest lager if you will. And a meal fit to feed a household. My travels have been many and I haven't had a decently cooked meal in some time."

Dipping his hand into his coin purse, he pulls out two silver coins and slids them across the table to the steward.

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-04-2007

Enters bar with eye's squinted, slowly I walk to the bar-" Do I need a unicard? I need a stiff drink."

My Bar - Blue - 11-04-2007

"No, but you do need a unicorn"

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-05-2007

Why a "unicorn"? Hows that going to get me a drink? With all this crazy stuff going on in here I need a drink to grasp all this!!

Sorry I'm really trying hard here.

My Bar - Blue - 11-05-2007

"Cause it gets me horny smug2:."
"no, I'm just joshing you, come and have a drink, even call the beerbot to you."

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-05-2007

mmmm. Sounds good you got some thing with a little bite in it? (winks)

My Bar - Blue - 11-05-2007

"I'm not the bartender bud, I'm the universal floor cleaner shifty:"
*orders a two beers from Pam*
"There ya go bud, on me"

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-05-2007

"Thank you, So whats a girl got to do to have a little fun in this place?"
*sips on the cold beer*
"The last I checked I was a lady"
*smirk on face*

My Bar - Blue - 11-05-2007

"well, I could always get you a little more drunk. Wink"
"The fun will take off from there"

My Bar - Aemaeth - 11-05-2007

*creates utter havoc and unleashes hell with his GOFFIX SATAN POWERS.*
Old members should remember.

My Bar - Blue - 11-05-2007

"Oh no, its gayman! Da dada daaaaaaaa, Hiii! Faster than a speeding dildo! Don't turn your back on him, he'll cause complete and utter havoc!"

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-05-2007

*Continues to sip beer*
"Well then how about a F. me had stirred not shaken. Those are always fun!."

My Bar - Venom - 11-05-2007

what have i missed...
*i blame my friend for showing me this other forum >>*

My Bar - Blue - 11-06-2007

"A lot, I lost atleast all parts of my body atleast twice"
*Hands a bear to venom*

My Bar - Screamthoughts - 11-06-2007

"with all the flashing lights I should have wore sunglasses"
*pushed empty beer away"
"Bartender give me a shot of Crown"

My Bar - Blue - 11-06-2007

*Sweeps the cob webs off of Pamela*
"Man, that was hard work, hey shouldn't of Froggy posted in here yet?"

My Bar - Venom - 11-07-2007

ah i see i see anything interesting happen thats worth mentioning??