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Dupes killing diablo 2? - Netreaper420 - 02-17-2007

They ban all the good helpFul Bots (D2jsp baal bot)but they let This dam dupe make every Item poof In the game(had a Trangs armor and Angelic ring Poof)And there still 2 stupid to dupe Organ SeTs(wich dont poof) and get legit Torches to trade is beyond me wtf

Sorry 4 the rant

Dupes killing diablo 2? - j0eL - 02-18-2007

Without duping "Last Wish" would be IMPOSSIBLE to get.

Jah has a 1/600,000 chance to drop on a Super Unique/Boss,
You would have to play 3,882 hours (or 161 days) continuesly to have a high chance to receieve just 1.

There's 3 Jah's in the RuneWord, along with 3 other High Runes.

Basicly, legitamate players cannot get this RuneWord by themselves, they'd have to use other methods such as buying it from the dupers using REAL cash.

Also, anni is IMPOSSIBLE to get if you're legitamate, 80-120 sojs must be sold to an NPC..

If you think about it, it's as if Blizzard doesn't mind duping, they just want to keep it low.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Hoi - 02-19-2007

Quote:If you think about it, it's as if Blizzard doesn't mind duping, they just want to keep it low.
Like I said I doubt any players that have been on D2 for 6 years would still play it with 1/10th of the itms they have now.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - John - 02-19-2007

org sets wont poof? even if there are multiples of the same one on same chara + no perm?

Dupes killing diablo 2? - j0eL - 02-19-2007

HisInfernalMajesty Wrote:org sets wont poof? even if there are multiples of the same one on same chara + no perm?

All organ sets are perm.
Will never poof.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - John - 02-19-2007

they haf no item codes?

Dupes killing diablo 2? - j0eL - 02-19-2007

HisInfernalMajesty Wrote:they haf no item codes?

Actually they dont have item you should say yes.

God forsaken double negatives.. -.-

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Ozu - 02-24-2007

I guess it makes sense how you think Blizzard won't get rid of duping because it causes the game to be more fair in a sense. Even though, they should patch that because most items are being overduped and the game is not getting better in any way... If they just patch it, reset ladders, and edit the amount of the item drops, D2 would probably be better off than now.

- New thought. Rune words are supposed to be some of the "BEST" of Diablo 2 items. I think that Jah isn't "impossible" to get. I mean, sure, it's hard to get. But that isn't even half a year. How many people still play D2 and have been playing for over a year? A lot. And the ladder has been up for over a year. I know because I started playing about, 2-5 months after it started. The game is fine how it is at the moment, except the fact that duping exists. Especially publicly...

Dupes killing diablo 2? - BewarethePhoenix - 02-24-2007

For the record I found a Jah last week in a choas game. But on the matter at hand, the dupe has ****ed up the economy. Trading is pointless considering how much shit will just poof now. I just lost another SOJ i traded to get that was supposed to be "legit". It's to the point where you really can't trust anything you didn't find yourself. How does everybody always assure that they can get a temp pemr anyway? Often ppl leave games before I have had a chance to get a perm and I know this has to happen to other ppl as well.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - John - 02-25-2007

at least there will be NO new duped items coming out, just what people made over the last few months, who knows a ruststorm might get rid of those too Smile

Dupes killing diablo 2? - darth_dub - 03-08-2007

j0eL Wrote:Without duping "Last Wish" would be IMPOSSIBLE to get.

Jah has a 1/600,000 chance to drop on a Super Unique/Boss,
You would have to play 3,882 hours (or 161 days) continuesly to have a high chance to receieve just 1.

There's 3 Jah's in the RuneWord, along with 3 other High Runes.

Basicly, legitamate players cannot get this RuneWord by themselves, they'd have to use other methods such as buying it from the dupers using REAL cash.

Also, anni is IMPOSSIBLE to get if you're legitamate, 80-120 sojs must be sold to an NPC..

If you think about it, it's as if Blizzard doesn't mind duping, they just want to keep it low.

I gotten two anni just by getting lucky and watching the top of the screen to the sojs sold message i've been in around 10-15 games where i just could'nt kill the clone or my crappy dial up lagged me out of the game

Dupes killing diablo 2? - John - 03-08-2007

they shouldn't be killing it anymore, until the next dupe is figured out

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Kyle Destroyer - 03-11-2007

This topic should be changed to "D2 killing dupes?"

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Ragnarhox - 03-11-2007

HisInfernalMajesty Wrote:at least there will be NO new duped items coming out, just what people made over the last few months, who knows a ruststorm might get rid of those too Smile

You honestly think there there are no other methods of duping? I'm sure there are other ways to make duplicates, I doubt every d2 store that sold dupes did it with that one method.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Thomps - 03-11-2007

When the dupe was out I duped alot of stuff but which ever one of my friends wanted to help I payed them15 hr's and duped what ever they wanted for them. I also gave away alot of dupes of my items just because in my eyes I was the king of the castle and I didn't mind helping some people like what was an ap coh to give away when I already had 3 on mules, it was nothing and chances are I'm never going to be in another game with them so it would be fine for them. That is really helping someone out. Duped or not giving a complete stranger something that you could just as easily kept for yourself is being nice. I would usually dupe hr's and only equiptment for anyone that requested some. So I only duped something that was already mass duped on diablo. I traded my duped hr's but I never said they were real and taught probably 100 people how to perm items. Helping someone out is a good thing to do and makes you feel good, and when you can do that extremely easy by duping a few things why not give them away. All I did was round up a few cd keys of friends who don't play anymore and pay someone genoursly for thier meteror sorc and the 10 min that it took to dupe them. The dupe was good for some people but anyone that auctaully bought high end items around the duping stage and believed them to be legit is a complete idiot cause all it takes it a few keystrokes for some one to say it's legit. Anyone will lie to you if they will never see you in thier entire life and has nothing to fear. So as far as I'm concerned whoever bought thoes good items around the duping era is just dumb and should have realised that anyone will **** you over if it benifits them. Part of the reason I gave away alot of my easy earned dupes was because I felt that I was outweighing my evilness of duping with my genrousity. And at the end of my diablo day I wouldent feel bad about any one having a hr dissapear cause it's happend to all of us and because I was helping so many people it didn't really matter. I hope another dupe comes along because I'll try to help anyone who needs it like after you've made yourself as good as you want to be what do you do? Help other people.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Ragnarhox - 03-11-2007

I duped several times, and you say "Anyone will lie to you if they will never see you in thier(t-h-e-i-r) entire life and has nothing to fear," yet, unless it was an obviously duped item, I never sold an unpermed item as permed. I hope that another public dupe does not come out. I don't want a bunch of newbs duping crap like tals armor or something else not worth the time it takes to dupe. Also, I'm sick of having to ask every time if an item is permed or not.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - Thomps - 03-11-2007

Ragnarox-xxt Wrote:I duped several times, and you say "Anyone will lie to you if they will never see you in thier(t-h-e-i-r) entire life and has nothing to fear," yet, unless it was an obviously duped item, I never sold an unpermed item as permed. I hope that another public dupe does not come out. I don't want a bunch of newbs duping crap like tals armor or something else not worth the time it takes to dupe. Also, I'm sick of having to ask every time if an item is permed or not.
Sorry for the spelling mistake. If your sick of asking if items are perm or not don't ask or stop complaining, as of now we can't do anything to stop dupers but you could stop playing diablo.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - D2_LOD - 03-12-2007

Here's my 2 cents worth of perspective.

1) I have read everyone's posting here and do believe that each viewpoint is valid from the person's perspective.

2) Let agree that there are more thn 1 dupe method and the patch killed the most common method aka the lag method.

3) My view is that there are responsible and irresponsible dupers i.e. responsible dupers dupes HRs since they help everyone; SOJs since they help everyone by having more dclone walks where they can get legit annis and they dupe shells like nigma, botd and etc without the final runeword being made such that when u put in the last necessary rune the runeword item is permed.

Dupes killing diablo 2? - VakAtk1 - 03-12-2007

The lag was bad when i was still playing..

500 fps.. And i was running very well on other games like Starcraft..

Dupes killing diablo 2? - D2_LOD - 03-12-2007

Here's my 2 cents worth of perspective.

1) I have read everyone's posting here and do believe that each viewpoint is valid from the person's perspective.

2) Let's agree that there are more thn 1 dupe method and the patch killed the most common method aka the lag method.

3) My view is that there are responsible and irresponsible dupers i.e. (a) responsible dupers dupes HRs since they help everyone; SOJs since they help everyone by having more dclone walks where they can get legit annis and they dupe shells like nigma, botd and etc without the final runeword being made such that when u put in the last necessary rune the runeword the item is permed (legit), reposnsible dupers do not dupe items found like coa, griffons, hel'ed runewords and etc simply because they poof i.e. they do not dupe anything that can poof! (b) the irresponsible dupers dupes anything and everything and sells them as legit items and these are the "killers" of D2 economy/game and frustrates every player, myself included.

4) By way of (3) above, more permed(legit) stuff will flood the game making it more playable i.e. more people will have similar gears and therefore the winner comes down to gear mix, style, reflexes and so on particularly in duels. Without easy to get HRs, many runewords will be near impossible to make even if u can find 3 jahs in 3 mths! Without duped sojs there will not be many dclone walks and annis will be out of reach of most people. So responsible duping does help the game.

5) Its irresponsible duping that we are particularly fed-up with. But how do u stop irrespobsible duping? the answer is u cannot but u can frustrate it e.g. (a) have a patch that show a unperm/duped item as unperm/duped so people know what they are trading for like wizzies glove or imp shank boots where people know they are not legit and its prices is moderated by that mere fact (b) run mini-russtorms / warden or something similar daily to get rid of duped items like when u exit games the dupe item poofs so then when they try to dupe items they poof b4 they are even traded. © i am sure there are some geniuses who can figure a way to identify a dupe item in the trade window so the value of duped items will drop making it quite worthhless to dupe items for trade. such will make it more profitable to trade dupe but permed/legit runewords or shells and of course hrs and sojs for the reasons mentioned above.

6) Blizzard can help reduce the need to dupe by making the drops more frequent e.g. hrs, sojs, coa, hoz and so on. yes it will reduce the value of such items but the economy will find it stable prices. After all price is a function of supply and demand. Moreover this will make duping item lose its value. This will keep the game playble for many more years to come and blizzard will be proud to have a game that can last for say 20 years. What a trophy that will be for blizzard!

7) the recent patch to stop the lag method did do its job i.e. u can't use the lag method anymore but it also causes more ci and yes there is still lag. In addition, they have also made the other dupers more rich since they can now control the economy. So is this fair? maybe the dupers now are even blizzard employees who are running some online store and selling D2 items for real money? Do we know for sure? I don't!

8) In fact Blizzard should set aside an ip for dupers using the lag method so that only 1 or a few designated ips are lagging. Now thats food for thot.

Conclusion: So is duping bad? my answer is NO! Duping is in fact necessary! But there again its just my perspective. Enjoy yourself guys.