Blizzard Sector
Association - Printable Version

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Association - Spitfire - 03-05-2003

Whilst doing a Pee!!

Association - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

Master P

best reply you could ever think of.

Association - Spitfire - 03-05-2003

Who Wanta Some Wang?

Master P > Shadow Master > his fav saying...
Great old ID Software game back in the era of Duke3D

Trig / Algebra.. Wait for Polonomials.!!!!! They = BaD (i think... cant remember... hehe)

Association - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

Santa Claus

ok I dont know why but when I saw your reply
"who wanta some wang"
I thought I read santa claus for some reason so first thing that popped into my mind.

Association - xBlitzerx - 03-05-2003


Association - Spitfire - 03-05-2003


Association - MechaMan - 03-05-2003


God im gay I dont know it rymed Sad

Association - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

O oops I was going for fake well boobs


Association - Spitfire - 03-06-2003

Bunny Rabbit

Association - TNTPaladin - 03-06-2003


im hungry...Wink

Association - Spitfire - 03-06-2003

grrr. I have 5 pet rabbits! + Rabbit stew = tastes fowl.


^^ Stewed!

Association - kain_falanx_G - 03-06-2003

ocean :o

Association - xBlitzerx - 03-07-2003

Pearl Jam

(oceans is a song by them)

Association - MechaMan - 03-07-2003

Rock show

Association - Spitfire - 03-07-2003


1st word Rock... argh.. not explaning it! Just deal with my answer! mwahahaha

Association - TNTPaladin - 03-07-2003

Repeatition, Repeatiton lets sing it again

^^^^ you would know what im talking about if you watched ComedyInc on channel 9 the song is stuck in my head its the first thing i could think of repeatition, repeatition lets sing it again....

Association - xBlitzerx - 03-08-2003

mecha's post

lol, sorry but that the first thing that came to mind!!

Association - MechaMan - 03-08-2003

The Man

Hmm first thing that poped in my mind :2thumbsup

Association - Spitfire - 03-15-2003


Association - MechaMan - 03-15-2003


spitfire is a big meanie