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About being a Mod - Printable Version

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About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-03-2006

zerokool Wrote:I don't get it. If they get banned they act like it was "random ban a user day". When it's a logical ban.

They also threatened to sue the forum leaders for the banning.Even though the evidence was documented.Not only by 1 person but by 4...this pretty much sealed their fate.Coming to me was the biggest mistake.
I am an honest upfront type person.When questioned by Mods and Admins about this occurance I readily admited that yes this was going on and shared files of conversations.They did not even want to see them...they took my word for it and took action.This is a measure of respect for me,and I admit it made me smile.

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-03-2006

You can do that, sue forum leaders?

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-03-2006

Well you can sue over a banning from a Forum ...~sighs~ It is the absolute epitome of stupidity.This ...once again is my opinion.I post on several Forums...a LOT and play a LOT of FFXI online. Check out my post count on this site...ROMs & Emulators - GBA ROMs N64 ROMs SNES ROMs NES ROMs MAME ROMs Gameboy ROMs: Welcome! ...Think of the hours it took me to level in FFXI....and all the *Mom* things I routinely do. Am I stupid enough to waste my time in a lawsuite over a Forum?...Please...someone tell me I am not THAT stupid......

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-03-2006

I didn't know that anyone would be stupid enough to allow such an option. I used to use a bunch of those emulators.

About being a Mod - Fuggle - 11-03-2006

We've also done the flipside when Cheshire was going to press charges against Ilikelilkids and his harassment case.

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-03-2006

Is it for real or just a big joke?

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-03-2006

The Mods were being harrassed in the form of being sent personal pics from members in illicit sexual manners.When they got fed up I was approached with questions like *Did~insert name here~ say aything about me?? Talk to him please I think he is mad.
Damn straight he was mad and so were 4 others.These members as well as a Mod were using the Forum as a personal Instant messenger and everyone stopped posting on it because it got lewd and was absolutely ruled by these few people.They realized they were in trouble and when a Mod tried to reverse the decision and then came to me for support it was the last straw. The Admin and site owner held a conference with me and I fully agreed that they were more a detriment to the site than a benefit.These people had the Mods and Admins on IMs and were sending lewd pics....they offered to show me but I took their word for it and said *No Thanx*
If I want porn I will find my own.

About being a Mod - Beholder99 - 11-04-2006

wow i have been gone a while, when did all this happen?

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-04-2006

Lol, Pamela knows her way around the internet.

That is bogus though. What was the final action?

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-07-2006

This happened on Emulatorworld. I first blocked the people trying to get some bannings changed. I contacted the owner and a few Mods,we all talked in the same window and all of us had the same story. They thanked me for the honesty.It all comes down to respect.they knew I would not lie to them and they value my opinion.
I do not like the forum slave work of being a Mod...but I have respect for anyone that does it.
These members were going to Mods to have decisions changed...when this did not work I was approached.

Screw a bunch of all THAT crap....I am nobody...member...thats it.
I won't try and bail your sorry ass out of trouble you masterfully got yourself into.
Here is a thought...DO NOT BE A DUMBASS!

Oh I don't know...follow the rules perhaps and make intelligent posts.
You know...that cool list of things Spitfire has posted...for freaking is up there for a reason.
Maybe this is too obvious for some.

It was on Emulatorworld...Shadow Dragon has rules plainly posted,and when ignored people wonder WHY they are in trouble.
I come back with*Well you can read can't you?*
This is not brain surgery intelligently,follow the rules,if you have issues go to the propper person.
I will likely tell you where you can stick it followed closely by *go to hell*

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-13-2006

Roflmao. If only they could read this now. THough I don't doubt that you had something quite similar to say to them before.

About being a Mod - FrogMan - 11-13-2006

Gotta love Pamela.

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-13-2006

Yes, it is a must. Smile

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-15-2006

FrogMan Wrote:Gotta love Pamela.
LOL Frog...Thanks.
I just have no patience for morons.Why would a person go to me me instead of a person in CHARGE?...Obviously they intend to commit forum suicide,and are blindly running to their own death.rolleyes: I do get after people here...I admit this.As stated ...I have no patience for morons.If I think you are assured you will be in doubt of this for a very brief period of time. Should this matter to you? Absolutely not.
I am a member...tell me off..flame as idiotic as you wish.Will I care?
Most likely not...other than to see the level of your non-existent intelligence.
At which point I will take webcam pics of me *point/laugh*....or not...thats extreem'

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-15-2006

I would love to see you make on for Tool, lol.

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-18-2006

Oh I have flamed Tool a few times. He is the very definition of *Moron*.
He pathetecally insults people in his utter lack of imagination,and his driving need to be noticed.I wonder if he will one day realize how idiotic he reads to everyone.
Then will not happen anytime soon....he only has two braincells to rub together.We must ...saddly...endure his presence ~sighs~
*He is lucky I am NOT a Mod!*

About being a Mod - Z3R0 - 11-18-2006

Many people are lucky that you are not a mod I think. Lol, because there a a few others like Tool.

About being a Mod - Pamela - 11-18-2006

Oh I know...and as stated before as a Mod you must use wisdom...any warning or penalties given out will be flamed or questioned. So WHAT??? You disagree with me?(in general)
When I give a damn I will tatoo it on my forhead. My job as Mod is (was)not to make you(member) is to enforce forum rules and weed out people that simply take up space and add absolutely zilch to the website.As Mod do not second guess yourself...if you feel ambivilant about a decision..speak to another Mod...but do not back down.

About being a Mod - Bloodangel26 - 11-18-2006

unforunately even if you were a mod you really could not do anything...the infractions everyone cries so much about receiving do absolutely nothing. at least with the old warning system you would get temp banned eventually...

About being a Mod - SilverTears - 11-18-2006

Bloodangel26 Wrote:unforunately even if you were a mod you really could not do anything...the infractions everyone cries so much about receiving do absolutely nothing. at least with the old warning system you would get temp banned eventually...

Yes, but there were rules set; and what he does basicly breaks the rules.