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Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Printable Version

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Signature/Avatar Request Thread - BrioCloud - 10-11-2007

Can somebody remove the white border around my signature and make it a darker better abstract blue? confused:

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - SilverTears - 10-11-2007

I'll do it when I get back from school today.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Lux Aeterna - 10-12-2007

SilverTears Wrote:`Echo - Do you still want that signature?
Ruin - Ok.

Eh nty, I made my current. Smile

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Arc - 10-23-2007

I would like a new Sig/Ava please.

I would like Bumblebee from Transformers, with one side of the sig having the car and the Other with the robot if possible and the name Arc, For colors i would like yellow and black, or colors that match.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Nex - 10-23-2007



[Image: arcbumblebeeavart9.jpg]


[Image: arcbumblebeesigmr4.jpg]

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Bright - 10-23-2007

Whoops wrong topic, my bad.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Arc - 10-23-2007

dear god you fast

lol i love it, thanks

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Nex - 10-23-2007

no problem.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Metalhead Steve - 11-02-2007

I want a sig made with this quote... Whatever theme you can work with easiest for a text quote. Black and white color scheme. Background black text white. Maybe a good looking render in the background if you want. Keep it simple if you want to though Big Grin

Faith in your partner, your fellow men, your friends, is very important, because without it there's no mutual component to your relationship, and relationships are important. So faith plays an important role, but faith in people you don't know, faith in religious or political leaders or even people on stages, people who are popular in the public eye, you shouldn't have faith in those people. You should listen to what they have to say and use it. --- Greg Graffin

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - eXtazY - 11-05-2007

2.Starcraft 2
6.No, thanks
7.Yea sure Smile

Thank you

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - tree_frog - 11-06-2007

Guidelines for requests:
1.Name/Quote.... Deadly Frog Ahead
2.Theme .... frog on a tree ahead with a sign before it saying the quote and the frogs tounge warped around the sign
3.Color orange
4.Size ......regular
5.Style .....grunge
6.Animation yes frog slobbering green goo out his mouth
7.Matching avatar yes

can someone write me telling me if someone can really do this one or is it to hard

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Sjix - 11-18-2007

I'm going to request something that is fancy/metallic and has "t0rc" written in it =)

Thanks again

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Josherz - 12-07-2007

[Image: starcraft3.jpg]

[Image: greg1.jpg]

Couldn't get that big quote to look good, so I cut it short, sorry.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - tree_frog - 12-11-2007

hey is there anyway someone can help me on my sig and ava i havent had one in awhile and i feel weird without lol

Guidelines for requests:
1.Name/Quote.... Deadly Frog Ahead
2.Theme .... frog on a tree ahead with a sign before it saying the quote and the frogs tounge wraped around the sign
3.Color orange
4.Size ......regular
5.Style .....grunge
6.Animation yes frog slobbering green goo out his mouth
7.Matching avatar yes

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - 10 man - 12-13-2007

sorry tree-frog, the request your asking for is a bit more detailed and time consuming than most people wish to put into a signature. Please be a bit less specific in your request and I'm sure you can be accommodated.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Doom - 12-18-2007

Guidelines for requests:
1.Name/Quote you want on your sig Stupid_donny
2.Theme (maybe provide designers with a picture if the theme isn't very well-known) Weed (haha)
3.Color (s) Green and black
4.Size (in pixels) Normal sig size
5.Style (ie grunge, abstract, tech) grunge
6.Animation yes/no (if yes, please specify what type of animation you'd like...) Name to glow dark green
7.Matching avatar (don't ask for this after the sig is made) yes please
8.Please don't chit chat or's not necessary to thank the designer who made your sig in this thread. Just PM them smartass2

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - tree_frog - 12-21-2007

Guidelines for requests:
1.Name/Quote.... Deadly Frog Ahead
2.Theme .... frog on a tree ahead with a sign before it saying the quote or something with the frog and the sign saying deadly frog ahead
3.Color orange
4.Size ......regular
5.Style .....grunge
6.Animation no

would this be easier to make?
7.Matching avatar yes

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Nex - 01-01-2008

Ok! I am hung over, tired, bored so I'm going to try and knock out alot of signature requests!
If anyone who still wants one manages to come on and read this let me know if you still want it or want any changes to your request, and I'm just hoping all of you are still active and want your sigs made.
i'll start off by doing the people i know are still here.

This what u want Kaze?

[Image: signature5555ne5hx1.jpg]

Tree Frog


[Image: treefrogsrequestsiggi2.jpg]

I hope this is adequate, the orange and black really didn't suite or look nice.


[Image: srequestsigavahu3.jpg]

More to come soon guys.



[Image: doomssignaturerequestsiqt5.jpg]

I myself don't know how to do animation, but if you ask Dan (10man) if he could do it I'll email him the PSD.


[Image: doomssignaturerequestsiyj5.jpg]

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Zerobanshee - 01-01-2008

lol, listen guys, don't worry about doing my sig. I've decided that i'll wait a while before i attempt to personalize my sig with a pic or two {i usually mess it up anyways}, that, and you seem to be flooded with requests. I'm a newer member, so i'll take the backseat. Thanks for listening to my idea, though.

Signature/Avatar Request Thread - Nex - 01-01-2008



[Image: sjixssignaturerequestsidg0.jpg]

Lol, i have no idea if this is kinda of what you meant by "metallic" so i just threw in all of my c4d's and came up with the queerest sig i have ever made. Congrats!

Ruin-Tumult Wrote:lol, listen guys, don't worry about doing my sig. I've decided that i'll wait a while before i attempt to personalize my sig with a pic or two {i usually mess it up anyways}, that, and you seem to be flooded with requests. I'm a newer member, so i'll take the backseat. Thanks for listening to my idea, though.
i actually had started on your sig, but found it rather hard to do, due to not finding many good necromancer stocks, or in fact and good necromancer renders at all.
So its a bit of relief for me, but if you still would like me to, provide me with a good stock image or render and ill go ahead and see what i can make with it.

Actually, i just found this. It's not exactly a necromancer but close enough?

[Image: everquestdu7.png]

Also Ruin I'd rather be doing your signature request than some of the others I've done today, at least i have seen you posting before. These guys i have no clue who they are lol.