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Things that make you Crabby! - Printable Version

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Things that make you Crabby! - John - 03-08-2007

having to wait til my birthday to get my puppy

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-09-2007

People that always walk in when you are obviously busy and still demand your full attention.
Housework in general.(It never ends)
People complaining the house could be cleaner yet leave messes all over.
Whiners and bitchers as a whole.
Realizing that you are one OF them at times.

Things that make you Crabby! - SHIFT_ - 03-09-2007

I tried to Spam URLs. I am completely retarded. People like me should know better than to try and Troll these forums. I should be tared, feathered, and beaten with the moron stick. I am utterly incompetent.

And when the turbo timer in my Skyline craps out.

Things that make you Crabby! - John - 03-09-2007

when people get enough posts that this message no longer appears

I tried to Spam URLs. I am completely retarded. People like me should know better than to try and Troll these forums. I should be tared, feathered, and beaten with the moron stick. I am utterly incompetent.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-09-2007

People that defend their ignorance with arrogance.
People that make redundant annoying comments.
People that couldn't see your point even if it was tatooed on your forhead.

Things that make you Crabby! - John - 03-09-2007

puppies at the pet store that only pretend they like you so they can play with your shoes.

Things that make you Crabby! - SHIFT_ - 03-10-2007

Waking up at 4:00am the day of your final, final exam to go pick up your little brother from a party where he got s***faced.

Things that make you Crabby! - Nex - 03-10-2007

having been trying to ring my friends all day and having no luck, one of them rings up absolutely off his face (drunk) telling me to come to a place thats where they all are, so i go to the place and surprise surprise they are not there. so i go home feeling miserable. ive been sitting in my room all day then my mum says they saw two of them heading to my best mates house. so i ride there and knock on the door, but no answer but, i could hear laughter and voices coming from inside. so i assumed they didnt hear me so i knock on the door again, and again and again, still no answer. finally after 7 minutes of knocking my best friend opens the door and see's me and i say, "hey Chris, ive been knocking on the door for ages, wanna do something"? Chris says "go away". im a bit shocked my best friend giving me the flick so i walk away with my head hanged low and i hear more laughter, i look up at the window i see all of my friends up there having a good time drinking and laughing at me, then they see me see them so they hide. so now i am feeling even more depressed than usual and i send him a text message saying "why would you do this to me, you are my best friend. i have enough going on in my life without you guy rejecting me, im over my life". so i ride home feeling horrible. i go up to my room lie down and feel sorry for myself for about an hour and i get a text message back from him saying "Ga Ga". wtf is that soposed to mean he doesn't care how i feel nor do any of them.
also with the previous post i posted about my parents, this combined with loosing all my friends. makes me feel like giving it all up if you get what i mean....

also, my dad leaving with my sister to go somewhere and he walked strait past me i said goodbye he said nothing, then later coming home with Hungry Jack's (same as burger king) and he says oh i didnt know you were home and im very hungry.
life sucks.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-10-2007

^Being too depressed to know when he is surrounded by assholes.

Things that make you Crabby! - Nex - 03-10-2007

pam im looking for help not criticism.

Not being critical,I just felt bad for you,I am sorry if it came out wrong.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-12-2007

Cleaning the house all day and nobody noticing.
Being asked,"Well what did you do today"
That urge to kill.
Wondering why you bother.

Things that make you Crabby! - Obfuscate - 03-13-2007

- Getting a soar throat and ear infection twice within a months time.
- Missing out on karaoke night with my friends due to above said sickness.
- No one at work noticing I'm dragging like all hell till I spell out the fact that I have a high fever, ache everywhere, speaking feels like swallowing razor blades and my ears feel like they are about to burst. Then telling me I can go home 30mins early so I can feel better to work the next day.
- Getting paid then watching 90% of it go down the drain slowly with bills and doctor visits.
- Not eating for almost a whole week and drinking only about 8oz of fluid and being threatened with hospitilization if I don't see a doctor for my throat and ears.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-21-2007

@Obs((word)) Just went through that myself hun.

Being entirely worn out,yet responsibilities preclude rest.
Finally taking a bit of time for yourself and magically the phone rings or a knock is at the door.
Being so respected by so many,you are expectaed to have all the right answers.
Not always having those answers and feeling somehow that you let somebody down.
Loving so many different people,that their problems tear-up your heart at times,simply because you realize there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to help.

Things that make you Crabby! - DaggothUr - 03-21-2007

^ exactly what Pam said right there. My Grandmonther has breast cancer and going in for operation on thursday, and I can't do crap to help her.

Meet a woman and she tells you, she is single, then find out a week later she has a b/f after things went down...

When people won't leave you alone after the fact you told them you're pissed off and want to be left alone.

When a woman plays mind games with you.

Always picking the bad apples out when it comes to a female :S

Being called a slut by an ex...

People bumming money off me.

People smoking my smokes.

People who come to a party or get together with nothing and free load the whole night without pitching anything towards the party.

People who stick their hands in my food.

The waiting line at a fast food place.

Tim Horton's commercials.

When you spend $120.00 on a shirt and spill fry gravy on it...

When a gay guy hits on me after the fact I told him "Hey sorry man, I'm straight." and I do it politely.

The High pitch screams of a young school girl.

Even more if a guy sounds more high pitched then the previous statement.

Whenever Michael Jackson is the media's spotlight.

Hope you don't take offence Pamela and/or any other ladies to my women comments.

Things that make you Crabby! - VakAtk1 - 03-22-2007

Okay i work for McDonalds and occasionaly they'll put me in the Drive through to take orders.. So.. anyways. What ticks me off the most is people when they get there order out of the way they just sit there and count there money..And about 5 minuets later, they hand me there money.. and i give them there change and they have to make sure there change is perfect and neat.. And thats another 5 minuets..

PEOPLE honestly we have something called "Drive Through Times" we like to keep em as low as possible.. try not to tie up drive through.

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 03-22-2007

Its kind of hard to read when you put "there" instead of "their". Kinda makes me want to get a can of starting fluid and a lighter and do the ol face fry at the local mcdonald's.

Things that make you Crabby! - DaggothUr - 03-22-2007

or minuets twice lol. However I can relate to you Vak. I used to work at Tim Horton's.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-22-2007

No offense taken dtb.
Drive thru as an employee.(Man I hated that job)
Drive thru for McDonald as a manager , for 14 hours...running the store at the same time.
The only highlight of the day is that you have an exact till count after 14 miserable hours.

Things that make you Crabby! - bigdeath - 03-23-2007

I absolutely refused to do that kind of work when I was younger. I always did like construction or painting. I don't like working in those uptight high pace enviroments.

Things that make you Crabby! - Pamela - 03-23-2007

bigdeath Wrote:I absolutely refused to do that kind of work when I was younger. I always did like construction or painting. I don't like working in those uptight high pace enviroments.

I have done too many jobs to name,and have worked from the age of 12.
Right now I only babysit kids or pets for favors, they force money on me.

What makes me somewhat crabby,was ALWAYS being put in charge.
In school,in sports,in family issues,at jobs,on forums,in games.
People having this convaluted idea I am a leader or even actually smart.