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Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Printable Version

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Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - A|fzZz - 02-05-2005

Clover i dun really like that sorry...

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - D4rkSl4y3r - 02-06-2005

[Image: CHEESE11.gif]

I was messing around and made this thought it looked pretty cool...LOL

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Hamel - 02-06-2005

I was messing around with animation and no i didnt use fuji's tut i did it all alone ^_^ i feel so proud Smile

[Image: marionotdoneanimated5sb.gif]

Tell me how you like it

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Hamel - 02-06-2005

Heres another one...i screwed up so i know it sucks...ill do a better one

[Image: megaanimation2ie.gif]

rate both please, thanks

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Hamel - 02-06-2005

Im proud of this took me long but i think it came out very nice rate please Smile

[Image: megafightanim2sj.gif]

P.s I keep quick replying but it keeps posting seperate

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Clover Gz - 02-06-2005

how should i make that sig i did darker???

btw everlast, yeah i want u to help...

kemwing i like ur animations, theyre tight

#1 - 8/10 sry im not big on mario...
#2 - looks better 9/10..try makin the flying guy blow up or somethin, that would b awesome
#3 - best one, i give it a 10 ...i like the burning sword

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - D4rkSl4y3r - 02-06-2005

awsome......that is really good dude...*is ashamed that i suck so bad*

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Clover Gz - 02-06-2005

ok, i darkened the one i made a bit...will u tell me if its any better?

[Image: SomethingCool1.jpg]
i just added something else to it, is this one better??
[Image: SomethingCool2.jpg]

EDIT: oh and darkslayer, i think you should use the sig with red my opinion it looks cooler...that could just be me though

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Hamel - 02-06-2005

Top one is better clove

P.s Use one with red writing dark looks better

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Clover Gz - 02-06-2005


Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Clover Gz - 02-06-2005

well...uhh i just made another one out of boredom...

[Image: EvergoingVortex.jpg]

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - D4rkSl4y3r - 02-06-2005

[Image: mario14mp.gif]

heres one i made useing fuji's tut for a guide...LOL

i like it but tell me what you think

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - UberGrossMann - 02-06-2005

UberGrossMann Wrote:[Image: UberAbstract.jpg]

something i just randomly made while talking on aim...what you think. Kinda plain i think...

rate please..dark i like it except that when he comes back out the the mushrooms just sort reappaers out of now where

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - D4rkSl4y3r - 02-06-2005

i like it i give it a 9/10 and he is supposed to come back is repeating..LOL

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Anferny - 02-06-2005

Uber, nice job man. Nice filter effects. You should start using renders and more brushes :p

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - jedimaster86 - 02-06-2005

Using Fuji's tut thingy: (it may be kinda unbelieveable that he would fall 180 degrees straight into the pipe, but meh)

[Image: jedimario9wz.gif]

Clover- not bad for just beginning and all. Just experiment with different stuff and see what comes up; 6/10.

Darkslayer- as Uber said, fix it up so he doesn't reappear. i'm guessing that you just did a tween at the end to go back to the first frame. take that tween off and just make it a direct cut, or say if u want to fade ur name then tween before the frame w/o your name to the one w/the name. then make a new frame after the frame w/ur name and turn your name layer off on that frame, then tween from the frame to your name to the last frame. then after that just have a direct cut back to the first frame. make sure the layer that has your name in 100% opacity is about like 1.5 seconds long at least so people can see what it says. 8/10

Uber- nice us of filters, etc. i guess jsut listen to what anferney said...8/10

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - FeNiXSuNfIrE - 02-06-2005

i dont like it much uber, 6/10.
cant say i like the mario ones very much, tho i luv the original nintendo.....those sigs just arent appeling to me.
heres another i made.
[Image: wcsig.gif]
no quote...cuz i couldnt think of one, lol

heres a background i made too, tell me what ya think of it.

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - D4rkSl4y3r - 02-06-2005

fenix i dont like the background...its to dark...2/10..and the sig is "ok" 8/10

[Image: newknightsig1.jpg]
tell me what you think about this one and this one

[Image: megamanvsmario1.gif]

i was just messing around with sprites so go easy on me...:devilish:

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - Anferny - 02-07-2005

[Image: smabstract.gif]
Dark- You tend to do dthe same thing over and over and over, thats the third sig you made witht hat render and font and color. There's no blending and the font doesn't fit.
I don't care for animations, but when it says 20 points in red it jumps up and left into black, quit fix.
If you would have used the tips I told ya to use I think you'd be getting better. You started to use color balances though.

Signature and ava Showoff/Rating - FeNiXSuNfIrE - 02-07-2005

dark first one is.......i dunno, missing sumthing. 6/10
second one still not liking only cuz im just not feeling it for those sigs at the time. 4/10.

anf to me ur render doesnt fit in with the background well. it looks awkward.

how about these backgrounds?
