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Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Printable Version

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Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Nethran - 08-25-2008

All I can say about that video is: Uhhhhhhhhh.....Nerds.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - SpoonMan999 - 08-25-2008

that video is hilarious.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Skye - 08-25-2008

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh em gee....

That was the funniest thing since.... ever.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Mathalamus - 08-30-2008

oh yeah i forgot to mention

i have been without a hearing aid for several months. and will be almost deaf for several more months.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Nethran - 08-30-2008

Jean-Luc Picard wants you to turn your speakers up. So that he can tell you more about how he is the captain of the USS Enterprise.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Mathalamus - 08-31-2008

no thanks, if i want to know ill just watch the episodes.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Nex - 08-31-2008

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:I have no doubt that you'll like this one math:
I have never watched an episode of Star Trek before in my life, i now know that i never will.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Skye - 08-31-2008

I'm more of a Star Wars chick.

Math, why don't you wear your hearing aid?

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Bloodangel26 - 09-01-2008

That was epic when he was dancing.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Mathalamus - 09-01-2008

well one my hearing aid is broken and two there is a slight amount of earwax.

star wars is interesting. but endless arguements tend to spoil it...

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Magister Mundi - 09-18-2008

Video = win.

As for who I'd like to see vanish off the face of the earth...

Ann Coulter. She makes me want to kill small, defenseless things.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Nethran - 09-18-2008

I vote me. Big Grin

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Mathalamus - 09-20-2008

i want the incompetent hearing doctor killed.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Aemaeth - 09-20-2008

Skye Wrote:I agree.... Completely.

I'm ashamed to be of the same nationality as that train wreck, she had so much talent but she ****ing ruined it.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Skye - 09-20-2008

And she's continuing to ruin it, more and more every day.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Mathalamus - 09-26-2008

i want someone who made up the stupid concept of homework is greater than good friends have have ghim or her shot by anyhtung the world has!

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Moctose - 09-29-2008

Bob Sagget? Anyone? ^^

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - ZeroGTR - 09-30-2008


Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Nethran - 10-02-2008

There was this one kid named Brian Rhinehardt in my middle/high school days.. he was one of those dumb kids that tried too hard to be funny and be popular, and as a result ended up being a douche to other kids, thinking it would make the more popular kids think he was cool. I'm sure(or maybe I just hope) that he's gotten better by now, btu back then I wouldn't have minded if I went to school and no one ever remembered having seen him before, nor would they ever again.

Who's the #1 Person that you wish would just disapear from the face of the earth. - Metalhead Steve - 12-12-2008

Jerry Falwell oh wa-

^Slowpoked lol


My world is at peace. A good status quo has been obtained so I'm going to zen this one out and say noone.