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Insult that Asshole above you! - Printable Version

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Insult that Asshole above you! - Aemaeth - 05-08-2007

^ Big fat donkey ****.
Seriously, i don't even need to TRY to insult people in this thread.
[SIZE="7"]I win anyway.[/SIZE]

Insult that Asshole above you! - Pamela - 05-08-2007

^^Likes big fat donkey ****s

Insult that Asshole above you! - Aemaeth - 05-08-2007

Pamela Wrote:^^Likes big fat donkey ****s
Too true.

Insult that Asshole above you! - Mathalamus - 05-08-2007

^ bad avatar

Insult that Asshole above you! - Pamela - 05-08-2007

^^Cant make up his mind on a hair color (**** it I cant insult you I love you too much)oops that was for Scott

Insult that Asshole above you! - Mathalamus - 05-08-2007

^ slow

Insult that Asshole above you! - Captain Spaulding - 05-08-2007

window licker in a bad way....oh there is no good way to be a window licker

Insult that Asshole above you! - DaCougarMech - 05-08-2007

^has 0 posts
lamest ever
9 spam post over 0 real posts = infinite spam

Insult that Asshole above you! - bigdeath - 05-08-2007

Better than having almost 3 grand in straight spam post, you slant eyed bitch.

Insult that Asshole above you! - ploppy100 - 05-08-2007

big hairy turd

Insult that Asshole above you! - Captain Spaulding - 05-09-2007

midget is twice of a man than you and you make boy George look like Bruce Willis

Insult that Asshole above you! - bigdeath - 05-09-2007

^ smells like a public port a potty at oktoberfest

Insult that Asshole above you! - Pamela - 05-09-2007

^Likes to go in there and sniff.

Insult that Asshole above you! - Mathalamus - 05-09-2007

^ ..... no comment

Insult that Asshole above you! - Pamela - 05-09-2007

^Has no good insult....needs to buy an insult guide and study....lame ass.

Insult that Asshole above you! - Tweak293 - 05-10-2007

^Your post is the worlds greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.

Insult that Asshole above you! - Mathalamus - 05-10-2007

^ sounds like my post

Insult that Asshole above you! - Aemaeth - 05-10-2007

Tweak293 Wrote:^Your post is the worlds greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.
Needs to stop using insults that apply to oneself.
Good posting style? What, Is that what you class your pretentious garbage as?

Insult that Asshole above you! - Tweak293 - 05-10-2007

^I see that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, I'm not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.

Insult that Asshole above you! - Aemaeth - 05-10-2007

Tweak293 Wrote:^I see that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, I'm not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.
More pretentitous crap.
Do you have to use long words? You overelaborate. It doesn't make you sound cool. It makes you sound like a 14 year old goth trying to be grown up.
Next please, Bored of this one.
At least i can go outside.
House arrest must suck.