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WOW! im so Dumb. - Printable Version

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WOW! im so Dumb. - Skippy - 11-05-2004

During Last ladder season i ebayed and bought a mule acct for 1.00 with a bunch of unid items. One of the items i ID was a deathom fathom that came out a perfect 30%! also it had high restance. I sold it for 5 runes while still on later and then teh season ended and i stoped playing. Well i went on the other day and i see a person with a perf Fathom adn compliment them on it and ask what they payed for it. He tells me 20 runes and im like WOW! y did u pay that. Then i come to find out that thats whut they are costing when i sold mine like 2 weeks before ladder ended

WOW! im so Dumb. - hfday - 11-05-2004

.. That's interesting.

I hope you learned your lesson.

WOW! im so Dumb. - LostTrance - 11-05-2004

I bet you didn't buy the acc for 1 dollar, probably paid like 50 just dont want to sound like an idiot for ebaying for like 50 bucks.

WOW! im so Dumb. - DeStRuCtIoN - 11-05-2004

either way... hahahahaha..

sry about that couldn't help myself

WOW! im so Dumb. - A|fzZz - 11-05-2004

i was bout the post it when i saw losttrance post...yea...inpossible to be a
i always do that =p

sorry to hear that dude...

WOW! im so Dumb. - victor - 11-05-2004

if he got it for 1 dollar thats just fu**ing amazing

WOW! im so Dumb. - JesseDS - 11-07-2004

hahahaha ya, he is just covin it so he dosent appear to be an idiot

WOW! im so Dumb. - Arbitzz - 11-11-2004

yea i would have checked with peeps if i wasnt sure first...

WOW! im so Dumb. - Gamepro_Miller - 11-15-2004

:laugh: yes im laughin at u!

WOW! im so Dumb. - HiddenFighter - 11-15-2004

ahahahaha NooB go lick yourself

now im gona get banned Smile

WOW! im so Dumb. - ilikelilkids - 11-15-2004

lol that soo awsome... i hope you live!!!!

WOW! im so Dumb. - cheez_man - 11-15-2004

ouch you never knew they were that much? dude get your head in the game

WOW! im so Dumb. - victor - 12-19-2004

stupid noobs