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Help On Uber WW Sin Build - andrew_9909 - 11-07-2004

Can someone tell me the build for a uber ww sin

yanno the stats // skills but was thinking

max venom
max claw mastery
max fade?
max cos

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-07-2004

well heres my opinion for the gear
2os bone visage 2 psn die facets
fury claw
chaos claw
(try to get claws with venom mods and mebe a +1 to df so you dont have to go down the martial arts
shadow dancers or gore riders
2x raven frosts
highlord wrath ammy
tang gloves

as for skills max

max venom
max calw mastery
max weapon block
max fade
rest point into cloak of shadows

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - andrew_9909 - 11-07-2004

thank you i am going to get that gear

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-07-2004

np need any other character builder guides?

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - andrew_9909 - 11-07-2004

well do u know how to make a foh pally cuz i am going to make him for casters that my melee sin cant kill

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-07-2004

k heres the build

hoto or hob
frosties//trangoul gloves//magefists
grim spurs//soul spurs//tearhaunch
cta and lidless on switch

as for stats

str-enough for gear
vity-rest here very important!
energy-not much needed if using frosties


max foh
max holy bolt
max holy shock
max all other synergies
10 pts into conviction with the provided gear above
spend your point into anything else you want, i would suggest maxing holy shield

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - andrew_9909 - 11-07-2004

dang do u got like a d2 dictionary? well thank you it sounds good

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-07-2004

nah just good at char strategies

btw np

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Bolong - 11-07-2004

i think ww sin are not bad against casters, cu with my ww sin i can kill tele bone necs, sorcs & wind druids, & sometimes hammerdin... but ebotd ww barbs own me

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Keitaro - 11-07-2004

Holy Bolt??????

No, please dont follow that skill build.
Am gonna make the skill build for you.

20 FoH
20 Holy Shock
20 Conviction, or else you find yourself helpless when batteling other FoH.
20 Holy Shield
20 Smite or Defiance

Smite is because you shoud have a second choice when you batteling Lightning immunes.


Strenght: Enough to wear your items
Dex: Only if you need more block
Vitality: As much as possible
Energy: 0, since you can get your mana from a SC and it is boosted with sojs and frosty.






Good Griffon (much better than shako at higher levels)

Enigma Archon or BP





2x Soj

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-07-2004

keitaro your a retard conviction maxes at a 150% so with the provided gear above maxing it wastes points

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - nkorterrorist89 - 11-07-2004

DOn't use 2os bonevisage. There's a better build, that my wwsin used to use, i don't think anyone else uses this, i made it up. Use a 2os gskull. Knockback gives you more hits, you can put 2 psn facets in it, and it adds 30 some str, alos, it has great def and 10% crushing blow is nice. This build is better than shako because it makes you look cooler, and it gives you the str you need to wear shadowdancers. And you get 2os.

Also, Use angelic ammy and 1 angelic ring. You max wpn block, fade, venom, and claw master. Weapon block doesn't need dex to get block rate higher, cause its a skill(as far as i know). So you don't need much into dex. Most likely your ar will be low, so the angelic can helpful(with the 20% mana sorb). For the other ring, use either raven against cold sorcs, another anglic, or an soj (Because ww takes a lot of mana)
For armor, get an archon bramble 40%+. Trang gloves i agree on because of the 25% psn mod. Belt dungos is fine. And if you're not really rich, instead of fury get a shadowkiller and put an eth rune into it. For weapon switch, you can either get a cta or Shadowclaws. I prefer Shadowclaws, because you won't be getting many skill points no matter how high the cta is from your gear. Shadowclaws adds alot more dmg and you can buy them from anya in hell.
And what you said about needing foh for casters, Wwsins are pretty much nicknamed cast killers. The people i've had trouble dueling with on my wwsin were Hammerdins, Fohers, orb sorcs, barbs(Even godly wwsins can get pwned by barbs with like gf most of the time just because they have wcry advantage). Another buld that can be a problem are rich energy shield sorcs with cta, because they can take lots of hits. Against zealers, its pretty much 50/50 chance of winning, because he has to hit you while your wwing. Against fohers and orb sorcs, the only problem is with them is foh they run around, and when you Dflight them, they run the opposite way you ww and doge it, then foh you, and your basically dead. Orb sorcs are hard, because even if you get in the range of dflight, there orb will most likely kill you as soon as the sorc is visible on the screen.

If you like the guide, please give me a rep point, took my a while to type out all of this. Smile

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-08-2004

nkorterrorist89 i think your thinking of bone visage cuz that helm has kockback thats my exacty reason for including it in the build

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Keitaro - 11-08-2004

HiddenFighter Wrote:keitaro your a retard conviction maxes at a 150% so with the provided gear above maxing it wastes points
Retard, lol!:laugh:
Do you know what happens when you meet another FoH paladin?
The one with the biggest lvl aura wins the duel.

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-08-2004

well it is called gskull bone visage so there ya go

yes but conviction maxes at 150% so wasteing more points into it would'nt be the best idea

either way it maxes at 150% and u cant change that

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Keitaro - 11-08-2004

I know, but it is very useful to have it at lvl 20, EVEN if the aura dont raise in other things that lvl.

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - HiddenFighter - 11-08-2004

hmm i got my opinion you got yours, put it that way

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Fuggle - 11-08-2004

holy bolt is worthless to max cuz it adds no dmg pvp. Also for a wwsin there is no need to max claw block. if u have 10 shadow gcs+anni along with the +skills u get u will have the drop off pt in claw block with about 10-15 pts in it. from then on its like +1-2% in total of 8 pts or so.

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - nkorterrorist89 - 11-08-2004

Lol, i'm the first one that started using gskull, and yes it is bonevisage, but you didn't say gskull, i thought you meant reg 2os bonevisage

So you probably heard it from me or someone else, i'm the first person who started using it, i ddin't get it from anyone, and i've told other people about this build.

Help On Uber WW Sin Build - Rapta111 - 11-13-2004

Well, holy bolt is useful if you wanna MF pindle, thats for sure.