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War Cry barbs - TyKe - 11-16-2004

dex-enough to have a good block

stats- 5-10 howl
battle orders, shout, battle command- 10-20
none in find item,find potion,grim
rest in the last 2 skills

rich ppl equip-
dual soj
eth treks(for str and dex)

poor ppl equip-
2 wizardspikes
some kind of +to barb skills ammy
fcr rings
+to skills helm
u get the picture

War Cry barbs - The-Grim-Reaper - 11-16-2004

uuuh.. i would say keep ur str at 30 and use bp enigma. and y would u have dex if u cant block bcuz ur using dual hotos??? and the skills r pretty wrong.. u should max bo, war cry, battle cry, taunt... and the rest u can distribute however u want between shout, battle command, and howl.

War Cry barbs - MonkeyXT - 11-16-2004

lol...if your rich enough to do this go ahead..cause its a waste of items :confused:

War Cry barbs - Foog - 11-16-2004

i'm thinking that it's a waste of items and time because the range of effect is so small, and it costs mad mana, and it only attacks once at a might be a good PvM like for cows or when you get surrounded, but i doubt PvP it is very useful

War Cry barbs - bob_matty - 11-16-2004

wc barbs are gay :p

War Cry barbs - The-Grim-Reaper - 11-16-2004

lol.. thats wat u would think huh. i actually thought that too.. until my friend made one. if u have really fast cast rate and u just tele up to some1 and keeping using war cry it slowing takes down their health and stuns them so they cant tele or anything. its pretty good against casters.. not against barbs tho.

War Cry barbs - Keitaro - 11-16-2004

God Damnit, My internett went down atm when i pushed post!!!!Sad


Use dubble wizzards
Arreat with cham, or just wear a ravenring to cure it.
Trang-Ouls claw
Boots with FRW

Use charms with alot of mana to boost your mana sky high, cause putting stats into energy is just a total waste

War Cry barbs - knight_ofdoom - 11-20-2004

The-Grim-Reaper Wrote:lol.. thats wat u would think huh. i actually thought that too.. until my friend made one. if u have really fast cast rate and u just tele up to some1 and keeping using war cry it slowing takes down their health and stuns them so they cant tele or anything. its pretty good against casters.. not against barbs tho.

if u have fhr , it's easy to escaped of war cry barbs

War Cry barbs - Dynafrom - 11-20-2004

warcry barbs can do like 3.9k

2x hoto
1x enigma
+3 warcry amu
2 sojs
eth treks

10 wc gcs

War Cry barbs - Darth - 11-20-2004

How do you do 3.9k with that? I use that exact same equipment and i only get like 2k or 3k. forgot which. And all the right synergies are maxed.

War Cry barbs - Siluru - 11-20-2004

2x Hotos are a very very bad choice for WC Barbs, your mana pool will be drained very quickly, 2x Wizard Spikes are better, more fcr and mana.

War Cry barbs - DeathRow - 10-06-2005

umm... are you mad? only 50 in energy?! eek: how about...
nothing in strengh, and alot more in energy? because wc barbs use so much of it.confused: one more thing, 2xhoto is better then 2xwizspike because you need a faster kill, not longer kill and more mana smartass2

War Cry barbs - DisposableHero - 10-06-2005

DeathRow Wrote:umm... are you mad? only 50 in energy?! eek: how about...
nothing in strengh, and alot more in energy? because wc barbs use so much of it.confused: one more thing, 2xhoto is better then 2xwizspike because you need a faster kill, not longer kill and more mana smartass2

Make a char using a Hero Editor, give him two wizzy's and two hotos. Come back and tell me which is better...actually just dont even tell me because I've already done it. You NEED the wizzy's, they are absolutely 100% better than hoto's hands down. Plus skills doesnt add much to war cry damage. If you're using wizzy's mara's isnt needed, get an amulet with 2 to barb skill with fcr.

No str, 150 vit, rest into mana, you only need enough dex to use HEL'd Wizspikes.

War Cry barbs - The-Grim-Reaper - 10-07-2005

deathrow you're a moron.. this thread is almost a year old.

btw, 2 hel'd wizspikes are better.

War Cry barbs - Meteor_Knight - 10-07-2005

i made one a long time ago with the gear above..he sucked. theres already a guide on singers also. and about hotos and wizzys...wizzy=pvm hoto=pvp...ull hav enuff mana to kill a person. good in norm tho

War Cry barbs - DeathRow - 10-08-2005

Oh sorry i was talking about pvp haha im not into pvmsick: not into that

War Cry barbs - A|fzZz - 10-08-2005

2wizzy>2 hoto

War Cry barbs - The-Grim-Reaper - 10-08-2005

hotos suck for any singer. unless u wanna have no life, and dump ur stats into energy ull run out of mana in 5 teles with hotos.

War Cry barbs - Darksin - 01-11-2006

When i had my Warcry barb id just pop a mana potion when low. Then your No Mana for Pvp issue is solved somewhat.... the cast cost is so high that you still lose mana but, at a much reduced rate.

War Cry barbs - Bloodangel26 - 01-11-2006

good job reviving a thread thats been dead for 3 months....