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Diablo 2 movie - XvXAragornXvX - 01-19-2004

OK first off it has to be rated R , we all at one point wanted to get under a sorcs or zons armor, not assasins tho they ugly. Ok secend of all, it envolves all 7 of the characters and like they help each other out, and they have to defeeat diablo baal and meph, and like we should ad a twist, like at the end when all 3 die, they combine to form 1 super evil dude wil call him Dall.(diablo+baal=daal i cant trow meph in there it makes everything gay) ok now we need more posts and maybe even some 1 to make it. It dont gota b great or anything, jsut somethng fun to watch u know. O ya and The Paladin Will HAVe to be Named Illuvatar.thats my pallies name

Diablo 2 movie - Nubli - 01-19-2004

Ok ok, this was just some random idea that popped into my head earlier (the movie) so one thing straight, IT WAS MY IDEA!!!
***(just a precaution to all those who attempt to take credit for how my brain works)***

newayz, hmm, getting under the armor... that could be a deleted scene, i mean kids under 13 play this game so its gotta be at least pg-13. nude scene would have to be on a special dvd unrated version.

-the final ultimate evil could be Mephistdall (meph/d/baal) hehehe.
-ending: stereotypically, the pally would deliver the final blow;
i.e. Ocarina of Time
-beginning: prologue with the classic diablo game showing a mini battle there
fading out to a scene of slayed diablo, eyes opening up... then
the story begins where they all meet up in the rogue camp.
-middle: goes through acts1-5 (also, between classid d and d2 movie it shows
the scene where marius gives the soul stone to baal)
-struggles: every so often someone will be poisoned and rushed back to camp
(back to health), or a broken bone, or in a situation where the
main weapon breaks and running out with a tp.

this is just what i had in mind, and i seriously doubt it will go beyond these forums, but its overall a nice thought!!! and remember, this idea is copyright of my minds ideas!

Diablo 2 movie - Nubli - 01-20-2004

i dont mean to double post or anything, but does anybody have any further recommendations to this movie idea?

come on guys, someone must want to add to this!

Diablo 2 movie - Nubli - 01-21-2004

oh for the love of god... someone must have other add on ideas!!!

Diablo 2 movie - AngryIdiot - 01-21-2004

I know the best final blow! All 7 chrs used their best attack at the same time hitting him. BOOM! cause having a pally doin the final blow seem a bit crappy compared to an all out one with 7 chrs Smile. and my merc should be in it. hehe.

Diablo 2 movie - XvXAragornXvX - 01-21-2004

u think we can get some 1 2 make this movie? like in thats a lame runescape movie, so i think we should make 1 about diablo

Diablo 2 movie - Waramp - 01-24-2004

All 7 hitting him at once with their best attacks? Hmm, I can't really think of anything great myself but I think a good end would be a dramatic leap attack from a barbarian to baal, especially after baal kicked the crap out of his homeland. Just a thought.

Diablo 2 movie - RK-DemonSpawned - 01-28-2004

That runescape movie is funny, but I don't think it would work the same with Diablo II.

Diablo 2 movie - Ravstarr69 - 02-17-2004

i say that the zon and sorc turn into lesbians make love, distract baal, meph and diablo or daal or whatever the hell you guys want to call him, then the barb goes up and kills him, so that way, theres a bit of everything

Diablo 2 movie - Burner03 - 02-18-2004

how about 3 naked zons come up and cuase his eyes to popout and pass out .. the end Big Grin

Diablo 2 movie - Nubli - 02-18-2004

auto rated R movie if that happened. remember, we want it to be PG-13 =D

Diablo 2 movie - Cruelalacrity - 02-18-2004

Lol gee guys i love your imaginations i cant wait for this piece of "art" to come together and come to the blockbuster near you :-D

Diablo 2 movie - Burner03 - 02-18-2004

ok 3 naked zons with a bra and a maxipad ^^ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Diablo 2 movie - Cruelalacrity - 02-18-2004

LOL that kinda makes it pg-13 i guess

Diablo 2 movie - neoben - 02-18-2004

TheOnly-Burner! Wrote:ok 3 naked zons with a bra and a maxipad ^^ :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

so are they wearing the bras and stuff or are they just like holding them? cause if there naked then they got notin on.

Diablo 2 movie - n3kk1d-l337 - 02-19-2004

neoben Wrote:so are they wearing the bras and stuff or are they just like holding them? cause if there naked then they got notin on.

Naked people are usually wearing nothing...

Diablo 2 movie - djpyre - 02-19-2004

OK OK OK, enough talk about beefy women not covering themselves... can we get back to talking about the Sorceress and her cute tooshie?

Anyways, I demand a musical performance by the Necromancer's skeleton army. Perhaps make them like the Umpas, with songs that warn Decard Cain about his clumsiness... but he's whinds up trapped, swinging from a gibbet in Tristram's town square anyways.

Horazon needs to be played by Scot Thompson, or at least somebody I would expect to see wearing a froopy red dress with an ornate fez hat...

Duriel should be constructed by the cheapest animitronics crew you can find... he has to look cheap because he is cheap. Possibly construct him from leftover Jaba the Hut parts.

The final boss should be Andurphdaal-Colenzo • the ultimate beast! I don't think I need to explain the name...

Foul Crow nests... we need lots of them... one that explodes with a devastating frost nova... that's how the Druid will die in the movie!

Bill Cosby will play Decard Cain - I'll except no substitute. I wanna here him tell an adveturer a routine "But what if he's an asshole?" joke.

Where we gonna get enough exploding barrels for this flick?

Diablo 2 movie - ._| 3 Vv |3 - 02-19-2004

ok but there has to be a scythe in there.. they just look too ****ing awesome to leave out!!!! have a vit barb bring down an ancient w/a decapitating swing out of a leap! jebus this could be soo ****in cool loL!

Diablo 2 movie - andrewmason - 02-19-2004

I have a program that's made for making movies
but it's really hard to use....
I suck with it...

Diablo 2 movie - Burner03 - 02-19-2004

they are nude but they have the stuff on bras arnt concidered clothing .. notin my book Big Grin