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OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Printable Version

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OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Juke - 01-11-2005

Well Well Well... Look what i found out today about 30 mins ago, Let me tell u all what i DID today

First your need the Following.....
Th module (ya good luck)
2 DIablo cd-keys
MCDloader (can open 2 diablos at the same time)

I desided to mess around with Th, well for all of use who has is. we all though it was patched Bc when u type in .th set and picked up the iteam to add it to trade buffer, you got C/i

But Say you have 2 Diablos Both Loaded with Th.
HeHe this part is good

This is What i did.

I loaded up 3 Diablos, entered them all in the same game. First i didn't think of it and just loaded Th on one of the Game Windows. and started trying to get it to Work. First i got it to Work but i had to er enter the game in a sertant amout of time for it to save. But Bnet made it so when u add somthin to trade buffer. they make u Say WARNING: I AM USEING TRADE HACK DON"T TRADE WITH ME. yes i though that was gay of them..

So i am on my Mission from god to get this Thing To Work with out it sayin shit and Not gettin C/i

So i Muted My other Chrs From hearing me, Well that worked for the Warrning Part but still got C/i. and had to reenter the game really fast to get it to Save. That only worked like 30% of the time.. Not good enuff.

When I got C/i the Final time, i got lazy and didn't wont to Minamize and get the chr back into game, So i loaded Th on the Other Game.

When i went into trade with the other chr I Notice somthin


I though this was just a 1 in a million chance so i did it again. i resteted the buffer. Got the C/i chr back in game Loaded Th set it to Buffer got a nother c/i Switch to the other game with Th loaded and Went to trade and it was there AGain.. I'm going to Take Some screen Shots of everthing and Post it up here...

DO NOT PM ME FOR THE module. If you wont it Its going to Cost you ALOT!!!!!!!!

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - patbofat - 01-11-2005

hmm....i didnt really understand a thing you said, im not that good with those file words and stuff...i'd need a steb-by-steb readme or something for a noob that like to hack :-)

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - skidude - 01-11-2005

what the heck that is cool

edit haha i got it now too :laugh::laugh: but i bet i won't use it im not the type to scam even tho i need items

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Pr4y3r - 01-12-2005

omg nice , so it still works =D

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - TyKe - 01-12-2005

saweet imma try it. i got the th, just not anything else, where do i get msdloader?

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Obfuscate - 01-12-2005

oh goody....a trade hack....wonderful.

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Dynafrom - 01-12-2005

what does it do... the th? and mind sending the almighty DYNA a copy? Smile

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - skidude - 01-12-2005

im guessen it puts fake item in trade window or it makes u trade even if u don't want too

edit i got a copy of this hack if u want pm me i will sell it cheap
lots of points or items from d2:laugh:

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 01-12-2005

Dang i dont think you shoulda released this public if people start doing it ull never be able to trust a trade again which might really suck bad...

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Doom - 01-12-2005

You should only release this to ppl u trust juke and not some jackasses...plz be careful with this

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - skidude - 01-12-2005

i will only let this hack go to trusted members and member just someone if i get a godlys offer

but yea im not going to go nuts with it i know that much plus i don't even scam

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Doom - 01-12-2005

Well ski i oppose having useing it on ppl that dont deserve it but ppl that deserve it..i would use it on

Like my friend that scamed me....Grrrr i swore i would get him back!!!

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - DeStRuCtIoN - 01-12-2005

heh nice, try get something worthwhile

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - XXWHITEBLOODXX - 01-12-2005

I wish you good luck on your mission from god. When you done with that Tade hack make sure u send me an e-mail saying,"ITS HERE". LoL I probbaly wont remember and say to myself who the hell is this and whats here.

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Juke - 01-12-2005

Well i Spent the Last 3 hours testing on all the Realms heres the Results

USAeast- Patched ( you don't even get C/i on East) I Will keep testin on this relm and Other Th's
USAwest- Works
Eroupe- Works
Ender- Works

Theres TH TH1 Th2 Th3 Th4 Th5 so i got some testing ahead of me

I desided to Look up some Patched Methods and it came to my attention that Most Patched Methods just give u R/D Or C/i But if you have d2hackit Loaded with the Same Module it Still Works..

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Silent_killers - 01-12-2005

Aww east is the only one patched and I play east.

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Juke - 01-12-2005

Ski, U need to delet Someone From ur List and add my Other Aco**** sexygod bc This Method Works Better on 2 deffant Account BC

GAME 1 eneters game
game 2 enters game
game 1 leaves game Booted out of Bnet
Game 2 leaves booted out of bnet

Also Ski if u have the Other Th's Put them into a Zip and Send them to me... I have to re Download everthing Bc i got a new PC

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Doom - 01-12-2005

Juke u wanna set this up for me remember all the stuff i gave to u for ur barb Wink lol i got some ppl i been waiting to get back at since they scamed me....then i have no use for it ne more

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - TMP - 01-12-2005

Anyone still looking for the TH module? I'll send it to anyone for a few points.

OMG!! TH "TRade hack" Module Still Works - Juke - 01-12-2005

Th Adds The Iteam u Buffed to the Trade Buffer. If the Following is Done it will rest the buffer

Victum trades with somone Esle
You trade with someone Esle
You Click on trade and they decline it
You join the wrong game

This Trade hack Can Also be used as a Dupe Scam......

I think Scam Works better Sence More ppl Ask u to Move the iteam around or just get it off bat sence u got c/i and Closed trade

Make a game Called I can dupe
Victum gives u somthing to dupe
U Buff it and rejoin game
The buffer shows up on your Right Side of Trade screen.
Just put the Iteam on the Other Side Whhop look i'm a 37337 duper Gimmie somthin better to dupe
Leave game