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Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Printable Version

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Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-17-2005

I was wondering if any one can tell me a guide to kill hell cows fast. seeing as most high level runes are found there i need a char that can wipe out a cow lvl real fast. skills and items i need would be nice too...thanks in advance

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - ig0tfish - 01-17-2005

we all know that the answer is an ice sorc

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-17-2005

Well i have an ice orb/thunderstorm sorc but has a hard time..but i guees i havnt tried equipting it with items to kill and not mf.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - PantallicA - 01-17-2005

Chain lightning sorc.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - DeStRuCtIoN - 01-17-2005

h/c light fury jav zon

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Tsuki - 01-17-2005

i say.. WIND DRUID they pwn and own

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-17-2005

I did want to make a chain lightning char.

and yeah druids are pritty strong...

can some one set me up with a good Lightning sorc build?

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - DeStRuCtIoN - 01-17-2005

max lightning and synergies and light mastery, 1 nto tele

210 energy, enough str to use items, and rest into vit

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-17-2005

210 into Energy??
ive never used that much in any char

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - DeStRuCtIoN - 01-17-2005

this is a mf sorc we're talking about, not a dueling char

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-17-2005

ok yeah thats true...just my iceorb sorc doesnt use that much...but i dont use energy shield...and for the lighning sorc i wont need to be tel-ing a lot if i can stay my ground.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Keitaro - 01-17-2005

I would go with a fireball sorc or a chain lightning sorc. A javazon would also work. They all do cow quick.

Barbars = slow
Necromancers = slow
Druides = slow
Orb sorc = 2 low dmg
Blizzard = Low radius = slow
MA Assassins = slow
Trap Assassins = medium
Bowazon = slow
Paladins = medium/slow

Slow does not mean effective. All characters can do good at cows, they just wont complete it fast.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-18-2005

so like...
20 charge bolt
20 lightning
20 chain lightning
20 thunder mast
1 warmth
rest thunderstorm?

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Keitaro - 01-18-2005

1 warmth
1 frozen armour
1 tunder storm
1 energy shield
20 lightning
20 lightning mastery
20 chain lightning
20 nova

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Prandi - 01-19-2005

i still vote for a hammerdin. 10k damage is easily reachable. and the range is good as cows come and die before hitting you. and my pally got 202mf

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - TyKe - 01-19-2005

i have a lvl 98 zon nl and she owns in cows, she is still able to make a cow game.
i use my fir sorc to kill cows sometimes, i got a ber in cows, thats the only high rune i got there

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - valir553 - 01-19-2005

i like fire sorc. my fire bolt is all maxed out and it does the mose damage so farand i think its the best so far. but thats just me. but lightning works too. i have 20 into thunderstorm too.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-19-2005

Yeah but one the cowking always immuned to lightning? cus if so thats cool...then i can kill anything with out worring about owning him.

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - [The Reaper] - 01-19-2005

Do you really find runes in hell cows? I thought it was better for council?

Whats a good cowkilling/mfer? - Ragnarhox - 01-19-2005

i havnt found anytrhing really good in rune ive ever found was VEX...and that was on the way to baal...right outside of the wp