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Warcraft 3 FT Help - Printable Version

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Warcraft 3 FT Help - JesseDS - 01-21-2005

Sorry if this is WAY out of topic, since this is a d2 thread ya know. So mods, if you feel that u need to deleate it, go right ahead. Now onto my problem!!!

When i play wc3, i can join any game perfectly fine. But i cant host any game on it. I have SP2 and i use a router. A lynksys model # WRT54G. Ive heard u have to forweard some ports. I dont get to do that since im not a computer person. Any help would be apperciated. If you do help me, you get rep and 500-1000 points. Points are only for if it is a really nice guide though.

Thanks in advance!!!

Warcraft 3 FT Help - Karant - 01-22-2005

I know absolutely nothing about this issue or port-forwarding. But I came across this:

I hope it helps.
If not, has really friendly and intelligent members that might be able to help you.

Warcraft 3 FT Help - JesseDS - 01-23-2005

allright, ill try those sites later. heres a rep!

Warcraft 3 FT Help - Silent_killers - 01-23-2005

If those sites don't help you (They probably will), here's another one:

If you can't find the problem, PM me and I'll help you forward the ports.

The ports for Warcraft III FT you need to open are: 6112-6119.

Warcraft 3 FT Help - JesseDS - 01-24-2005

still lost guys

Warcraft 3 FT Help - Obfuscate - 01-25-2005

It sounds to me like your behind a firewall. One either provided by your ISP or a firewall box in your house. Either way thats probably your problem. You need to shut that ****er down to host games.

Warcraft 3 FT Help - JesseDS - 01-25-2005

Mods please close this if u wish, my problem has been solved by the one and only silent_killers!