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Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Printable Version

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Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-07-2005

yo yo my frist auction heres the items

all bids will increase by 15 points

1 188 d homo starting from 200 points
1 151 d homo starting from 150 points
2 unid homo starting from 200 points
1 eagle horn starting from 200 points
1 tals belt starting from 100 points
1 unid ss starting from 300 points (being solD)
1 15%,14% 11% ice blast ormus starting from 300 points
2 occy starting from 300 points
1 106 d shako starting from 300 points (being sold)
1 185% d jalals starting from 350 points
1 3 to fade suwayyah (no socket, Non magical) starting from 200 points
1 6 % life steal 8% mana steal gaze starting from 300 points (being sold)
1 185% titans starting from 300 points
1 33% res viper magi starting from 200 points
1 4/3 lighting facet lv-up starting from 350 points
1 snow clash starting from 150 points
1 210% shadow killer starting from 200 points
1 wizard spike starting from 200 points
1 151% t-stroke starting from 200 points
2 unid trang shield starting from 450 points
1 5/7 soul driners starting from 400 points (being sold)
1 unid firelizard starting from 350 pointsj
1 Cruel T-maul (259% enhancced dmg doing 118-646 dmg) starting from 400 points
1 2 sorc skill 40% fcr 20% fire 12 % lightning eldritch starting from 200 points
1 unid bul kathos mythical sword starting from 450 points
1 36% wartrav starting from 200 points
1 4 soc zerker starting from 300 points
1 36% gheeds starting from 400 points
1 34% gheeds starting from 375 points
1 curel lengend sword(284% enhanced dmg,192-360 Twohanded) starting from 200 points

This Auction will b on for aboiut 2 weeks bid NOW!!!!

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - SDSnyper - 02-07-2005

non ladder or ladder? specify?

oh shit nvm didnd read post all the way srySmile

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - TYLER - 02-07-2005

awesome, i've been waiting for someone to make a west ladder auction...lets see here....
i need:

1 5/7 soul driners starting from 400 points
1 6 % life steal 8% mana steal gaze starting from 300 points
1 106 d shako starting from 300 points
1 unid ss starting from 300 points

but, that seems a little pricy except on the bout i'll give you...say, 800 for those items i listed?

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-07-2005

sure y not

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Bolong - 02-08-2005

at least an auction in uswestladder.. ey ken2520 u still got this stuffs?? 1200pts for this 3 or maybe i can add some more..

1 36% wartrav starting from 200 points
1 36% gheeds starting from 400 points
1 34% gheeds starting from 375 points

& what %mf on tals belt? & tell me if u still got those shako..

just pm me or /w marx01 marx03 marx04

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-08-2005

tals belt is 14 i think nad i dont got shako , tylers got em srry Big Grin umm those things i can do ill b on tomorrow 3:30 western pacific time

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Bolong - 02-09-2005

ey ken2520 what time r u gonna be on today?? & whats ur accnt so i can msg u??

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Dynafrom - 02-09-2005

All Auctions have been temporarily closed off, Don't trade.

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Bolong - 02-09-2005

Dynafrom Wrote:All Auctions have been temporarily closed off, Don't trade.

closed?? y??

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-09-2005

y!??!!? wtf

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Muse - 02-09-2005

go to the resetting of points thread and read the new rules. trades can still go ahead. its just that theres a small chance that your points dont mean anyhitng right now. sorry for the inconvenience.

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-09-2005

awww wattt!!! >.<

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - BlindMansTicket - 02-10-2005

The verdict from Spit came in. We still get to use and keep points, there is just a limit now on how much we can hold and what not.

To get things going.

1 36% gheeds starting from 400 points
1 34% gheeds starting from 375 points

I will buy both of those gheeds for 2k.
I will also buy an up'd perfect magi for 5k If you can make one.

I'm non ladder, but I will hold these things until ladder rolls.

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Oshizzle - 02-10-2005

200 f0r wiz spike?

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - CheshireCat - 02-10-2005

450 for the lit facet
300 for Shadow killer

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-10-2005

To get things going.

1 36% gheeds starting from 400 points
1 34% gheeds starting from 375 points

I will buy both of those gheeds for 2k.
I will also buy an up'd perfect magi for 5k If you can make one.

I'm non ladder, but I will hold these things until ladder rolls.

the gheeds r urs Big Grin umm ill close the auction now >.< so tired... and i dont play d2 much so ya.. its closed and umm


those gheeds r urs wats ur account?

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - BlindMansTicket - 02-10-2005

Put the gheeds on a mule and pm me the pass, I will donate the points upon receiving the account.

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - ken2520 - 02-10-2005

ill do that when i get home for my basket ball game Big Grin

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - Zakel - 02-10-2005

damn.. finally a uswest ladder auction and you dont want to do it no mor.e. if your still interested ill give you 150 pts for tals belt if you havent sold it yet

Ladder USWEST SC AUCTION!! - BlindMansTicket - 02-10-2005

ken2520 Wrote:ill do that when i get home for my basket ball game Big Grin
Okey dokey.