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My school's website was hacked - Printable Version

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My school's website was hacked - erizoe - 03-01-2005

Check this out this is awesom.

My school's website was hacked - SoulessKnight - 03-01-2005

haha very nice makes me feel like messin up my schools website but since i help set it up it would be no fun to mess it up Sad

My school's website was hacked - PantallicA - 03-01-2005

erizoe Wrote:Check this out this is awesom.


My school's website was hacked - Obfuscate - 03-01-2005

Whats sad is they did not do more. Someone hacked my highschools webiste and used paint on all the pics and wrote many words that end up *******'s if I posted them. It kinda pissed me off cause I helped design and script the site.

My school's website was hacked - skidude - 03-01-2005

erizoe Wrote:Check this out this is awesom.

owned haha

My school's website was hacked - BlackMage908 - 03-01-2005


My school's website was hacked - nujabes - 03-01-2005

"pwnd"!!! lol. thats hilarious

My school's website was hacked - Nubli - 03-01-2005

Middle school website hacked? Must have been done my middle schoolers. Scary. 12 year olds running rampant with hack programs these days.. sheesh!

My school's website was hacked - CheshireCat - 03-01-2005

Lol, well if the government wasn't so cheap about schools, they'd have better security. I bet loads of schools still use NT4

My school's website was hacked - KillJoY_gs - 03-01-2005

lol my schools is so easy to get threw we have a student concil lol so all u need to do is ask for permission get me in comp. lab she sets up the prog. ( the computer lab teacher) and all me from there on in but of course its only me on prog. lol

My school's website was hacked - Ragnarhox - 03-01-2005

lol...thats funny

My school's website was hacked - Obfuscate - 03-01-2005

KillJoY_gs Wrote:lol my schools is so easy to get threw we have a student concil lol so all u need to do is ask for permission get me in comp. lab she sets up the prog. ( the computer lab teacher) and all me from there on in but of course its only me on prog. lol

I sincerly hope English is your second language.

My school's website was hacked - Tool - 03-01-2005

CheshireCat Wrote:Lol, well if the government wasn't so cheap about schools, they'd have better security. I bet loads of schools still use NT4

*raises hand*

My school's website was hacked - Fuggle - 03-01-2005

That doesnt seem like a normal school website, most are not edu, or have some long *** URL about their county and shit...
I also noticed that the real site is fine

My school's website was hacked - Crown - 03-01-2005

Hmmm... that is kind of weird. But how would these middle schoolers get ahold of a .org website?

My school's website was hacked - [The Reaper] - 03-01-2005

Yeah, I don't know how some middleschoolers could do that, maybe someone that went to that midleschool that's in highschool now. Right now at my highschool there's like a virus on the network and no one can get on the computers.

My school's website was hacked - Crown - 03-01-2005

That happened to us earlier this year. Our teachers couldn't use their computers for almost 2 weeks.

My school's website was hacked - Karant - 03-02-2005

Hahaha! I wish I could do that. lol

My school's website was hacked - erizoe - 03-02-2005

I didn't hack it. I got a screenshot and showed it to my teachers and they laughed. It wasn't a student because they are all to stupid to know any programing thing. I want more information on hackbsd crew so i can congradulate them! The site that Fuggle Nugget found is the cumberland school system site, if you look on the bar on the left it says "website."

EDIT Wow, 2 pages in less than a day for such a simple thing.

My school's website was hacked - Fuggle - 03-02-2005

Lol i checked out the Grade on the website
<table style="border-collapse: collapse;" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="585"> <tbody><tr><td class="littletext" width="235">School Name, District</td> <td class="littletext" width="50"> Grade</td> <td class="littletext" width="350"> Reports</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table style="border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" bordercolor="#0099cc" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="585"> <tbody><tr><td class="text" width="235">Cumberland Middle School
CUMBERLAND</td> <td class="text" align="center" height="20" width="50">M</td> <td class="text" height="20" width="300"> <table style="border-collapse: collapse;" id="AutoNumber9" border="0" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="300"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="30">1 -</td> <td width="270"> Assessments</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="30">2 - </td> <td width="270"> School Performance and Financial Information</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="30">3 -</td> <td width="270"> School Climate and Other Indicators</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="30">4 -</td> <td width="270"> Suspension Data</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" height="5" valign="top" width="30">
</td> <td height="5" width="270">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="300"> </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody> </table>
Now how the **** do parents or kids know what Grade M is.