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Bad inventory message - Printable Version

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Bad inventory message - Salbus - 02-15-2004

Hey i'm a noob who's just downloaded udie, i was screwing around with the udie program and saved what i did, and now i have a bad inventory file message when i try to log into single player. Could anyone explain how to fix that? And could you tell me how to use udie, cuz i'm a noob Smile . Thanks for you time


Bad inventory message - Spitfire - 02-15-2004

Salbus Wrote:Hey i'm a noob who's just downloaded udie, i was screwing around with the udie program and saved what i did, and now i have a bad inventory file message when i try to log into single player. Could anyone explain how to fix that? And could you tell me how to use udie, cuz i'm a noob Smile . Thanks for you time


<H2><font size="3">Guide To UDIE Editor For 1.10 Diablo 2</font></H2>
<b> List of Contents </b> <br>
Startup Screen <br>
Character Screen <br>
Making Unique Items <br>
Adding Attributes <br>
Editing Stats <br>
Setting Values <br>
<b>Startup Screen</b><br>
Ok First Download and Extract it to Anywhere. Next Open it, you will get a screen
like <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/startup.jpg"> <br>
<b>Character Screen</a></b><br>
Click On your character and you get a screen like <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/char.jpg"> <br>
<b>Item Edit</b><br>
Rightclick your Item to Export Item, Import Item, Edit Item, or Delete <br>
Click Edit you should be see <br>
At the top left is the pic of your item, mouse over to see the properties. <br>
At the top right there is the LIST selection buttons: Select Properties, Rune
Words, Magic Prefixes, Magic Suffixes, Rare Prefixes, Rare Suffixes, Unique Items,
or Sets <br>
At the middle left there is the ITEM selection buttons: Clean Item, Delete Properties,
Set Sockets, 4 unused, and Refresh Item <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/itemedit.jpg"> <br>
<b>Making Unique Items</b><br>
Now Lets make It Unique. Click on the little LIST selection <b>Unique Items button</b>
(top right) <br>
Then Click the Name you want (so it makes your cursor like a magic wand) <br>
Now click on your Item and It will look like <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/unique.jpg"> <br>
<b>Adding Attributes</b><br>
Click on the little LIST selection <b>Select Properties</b> button (top right)
Then Click the Attribute you want (so it makes your cursor like a magic wand)
Now click on your Item and It will look like <br>
Add that to whatever you want for attributes and Click the Close button at the
bottom to get out of Item Edit. <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/itemedit.jpg"> <br>
<b>Editing Stats</b><br>
Click on the binary representation of the stat you want to edit, The stat name
and number of bits is shown above. <br>
And the Stat value <br>
All the binary fields are in different colours, for ease of reference. <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/statedit.jpg"> <br>
<b>Setting Values</a></b><br>
Click on the stat value you want to edit and enter the new value. <br>
Or you can enter the binary value directly into the binary section if you like.
In this case, you can see the binary field is all ones, so the maximum value,
127, has already been set. <br>
If you try to enter a larger number, you will destroy the item. <br>
<IMG SRC="../images/udietoopics/statvalues.jpg">