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First hand shooter games the best! - Printable Version

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First hand shooter games the best! - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

Damn first hand shooter games are dah shiznit I wish I could play counter-strike all the time Sad
Man I need to get DSL 56k sucks
What are your favorite first hand shooter games mine is by far counter-strike even though I only play with bots Sad

First hand shooter games the best! - Apaphos - 03-05-2003

I was a TFC junkie for a few years at my old college, where we had T1's in our dorms so online gaming was blazing fast, but when I found myself spending more hours playing TFC than i was in class and sleeping, i decided to quit playing TFC. I used to play Quake 1 and 2 online alot back in the day, anyone remember Quake 1?

Right now the only online gaming I do is a few hours a week with combat flight sims.

First hand shooter games the best! - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

Sucky games cmon dog you need to get in the new day and age quake 2 isnt bad but unreal2k The shit need to fluck that shit up dog blood guts everywhere head shots hell yeah only way to go...
Dont forget counter-strike if I had T1 and lived in college no wouldnt even go to class just wouldnt even play I would play so much counter-strike till I became a CS LEGEND wow those would be the days.... Well of course I would still go to the parties cause thats all college is about know what I mean Smile

First hand shooter games the best! - MechaMan - 03-05-2003

Wow mest up with my typeing in that post har har har god T1 gives me wood use to play at some webworks thing played counter-strike all the time I was good except I was playing $4 big ones an hour Sad