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omg i got hacked in trade - Printable Version

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omg i got hacked in trade - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 04-11-2005

first of all this isnt scam its HACK and i didnt lose much just superior 13% dusk nig and mabye my account

i joined a pk game with my hammerdin and started pking

this smiter said he wanted to trade for my enigma so i went to see what he offered i put it on screen and next i know my screen flashed and my enigma was gone and he had it i didnt press the checkmark button or anything i was like wtf how you do that then he said gimme your hoto or i will hack your account so i squelched him and left but mabye he does have an account stealer so i am pretty worried

just a warning plz be caution

omg i got hacked in trade - BlindMansTicket - 04-11-2005

Did you happen to use f-tele in the past?

omg i got hacked in trade - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 04-11-2005

uhh mabye y lol...

omg i got hacked in trade - BlindMansTicket - 04-11-2005

There was a backdoor in it that allowed the person you're in trade with to press the checkmark for you. (Scam the scammer, lol) If you have it, I HIGHLY suggest you get rid of it.

omg i got hacked in trade - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 04-11-2005

.... great i wasnt scammin ne body i was just playin around so any one with ftele u can just press the check mark for them lol? does it work with stele also?

omg i got hacked in trade - BlindMansTicket - 04-11-2005

As long as you have it installed or whatever and the person on the other end knows what command packet to send, yes, the check mark will go green.

omg i got hacked in trade - TuNa-FisH_SuShI - 04-11-2005

what packet is it they send i can prolly find a couple ppl with ftele lol

omg i got hacked in trade - BlindMansTicket - 04-11-2005,GGLD:2003-38,GGLD:en&start=10&sa=N

Look around there. Someone released how to do it in a thread, dunno what one though.

omg i got hacked in trade - Bolong - 04-11-2005

whats a ftele?? something that u download??

omg i got hacked in trade - Silver Ice - 04-11-2005

it allowed u to tele in town for stealing items and annis

omg i got hacked in trade - A|fzZz - 04-11-2005

stele also if im not wrong...

omg i got hacked in trade - Tool - 04-12-2005

You can't get rid of it just by deleting Ftele I believe. I think it has a BD that installs itself somewhere else and then whenever you start D2 it attaches itself or something.

omg i got hacked in trade - Matt.B - 04-12-2005

Uh oh...your in trouble Sad

omg i got hacked in trade - Fykins - 04-12-2005

theres another posiblility, it may be that hack where it makes the trade screen look like it closed out but it realy is on and you hit enter to chat and it acepts that as alow trade

omg i got hacked in trade - X.x G o D x.X - 04-12-2005

still to this day i have not gotten hacked on trading and i really don't plan on getting that way to

omg i got hacked in trade - ken2520 - 04-12-2005

no the back door is only for ftele not stele .. but ya

omg i got hacked in trade - X.x G o D x.X - 04-12-2005

is there anyway i can get this hack because everytime i try to reister into blizzhack the email adddress fails so can someoen pass this stuff onto me?

omg i got hacked in trade - Matt.B - 04-12-2005

Its cause your cheep and you use a free email acct Wink plus I dont think that getting this hack is moral or right...

omg i got hacked in trade - Fykins - 04-12-2005

... no dont ask for that here, you should remove that from your post

omg i got hacked in trade - Silver Ice - 04-12-2005

the same thing happened to fuggle well sort of but i didnt believe it, guess ill be more careful in trades then.